To two brilliant people, hard working and dedicated I wish to offer my full continuing support to you all.
Needless to say a hard time will probably be had with Rumours flying around and sceptics possibly showing their true colours now. But remember your saying that you made famous on these sites, “True Friends are the ones who walk in when everyone else walks out”
I’m more than happy to stand side by side with you both over the coming years, let alone the coming months.
For those who dont know what I’m talking about the link is below, and I hope that each and every member of this site continues their support of John, Ken, and Mary. … _page.html
Thanks very much Davey and to everyone else for their support over the last 2/3 years without people like you we could not have continued.
Just when it looked like we were sailing into calmer waters the proverbial hits the fan once again.
But as John’s solicitor Mr. Clive McKeag, said
“This has nothing to do with John or his case. This is a separate issue altogether”
Keep on smiling

Thanks once again everyone.
Mary and Ken
This is dreadful news, I’m saddened to hear this, for John, his estranged Wife and his Son.
You have loads of support John.
Read the paper last night , sorry to hear about things, I feel so sad for David, he has been through too much for a wee lad. Keep your chins up and hold your heads high, the truth will prevail as always.
My best wishes are sent to you .
im sorry to hear that it never rains but it pours.
over 1 hurdle and onto the next.
This is bad news - quite literally. As you say though, a TOTALLY SEPERATE ISSUE. You still have my wholeharted support
This is bad news - quite literally. As you say though, a TOTALLY SEPERATE ISSUE. You still have my wholeharted support
I agree with liberace totally on this point.
I believe that actions speak louder than words so I will see you all on the JFD stand at truckfest SW next weekend