A.Leadbeater - Bat out of Hell Volvo FH.....?

Hi Guys,

Well I know I shouldn’t admit this, but I’ve always been a big Meatloaf fan (dons anorak and tin hat)

and it has always been my intention, should I ever find a niche in which I can comfortably operate as an O/D to get a truck painted up with the artwork from The Bat out of Hell II album.

Being a bit of a photoshopper as well I thought, on this bored evening, I’d 'shop one up for a bit of fun, so I set about finding some references on the net.

Imagine my surprise when I find out its been done before! not only that but it has been written off as well!

A.Leadbeater is the name on the headboard (I assume its the same one from Bradford with the custom fleet)

Does anyone have any info about this unit, or any pics and history of it, and how it came to meet its end.

I have found a couple of pics online, one with it smashed up and the other not, but I cant replicate them here as they are under copywrite and the owner wont give permission for them to be shared.

So I appeal to those of Trucknet, as a boy who’s had his dreams of having a bat out of hell truck, shattered (can’t copy someone else can we) any info about this beauty would be greatly appreciated.



You could try contacting leadbetters themselves its only a small company (Low Moor , Bradford) and i know the had mousemats and keyrings made up of the truck as i have seen them, As far as i remember it had some sort of ABS fault and ended up comming of the motorway

Probably going like a ‘Bat out of hell’ when it crashed,after the drivers boss asked him if he had done his 3 drops,to which he replied that he’d got 2 off,and the boss said ‘2 out of 3 ain’t bad.’

Can you ‘Keep driving’ said the boss, ‘I’ll try,’ said the driver, ‘but the M1 is busy,and ‘I’m all revved up with nowhere to go’ as the traffic is horendous.’ ‘Well your wife ‘Priscilla’ is waiting for you at home,for some ‘Nocturnal pleasure’ if you get my drift,so pull the fuse to get back quicker,’ said his boss.‘I’ll do anything for love,but I won’t do that’, said the driver.

'Well just remember that if traffic is heavy,that ‘Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are.’****‘You took the words right out of my mouth,’ said the driver.

‘If I get back early,can I go home?’ said the driver.‘For crying out loud,’'It’s ‘More than you deserve,’ said the boss,'but I suppose you’ll be after ‘The promised land.’ ‘Well ‘Priscilla’ is a ‘Dead ringer for love,’ and she’s no ‘Fallen angel’ and saying as we had a ‘Wasted youth,’ I guess we need to make up for lost time,’ said the driver.

‘Make sure your back early tomorrow, said the boss, or you’ll be ‘Out of the frying pan,and into the fire,’ and I’ll send your motor out with an agency driver.’

‘I’ll be in for 6.See ya,’ said the driver.



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: class, well done :laughing: :laughing:

Oh not bad Ken :wink: although I suspect you may not be a true meatloaf fan, or you’d have stuck to the Steinman!

Bloody worked hard on that one,and without the other writers,it probably wouldn’t have sounded as good.


ken thats quality mate :laughing: :laughing:

excellent. :smiley:

When I read the title, I though the post was going to be about someone running off the limiter :unamused: perhaps an ex Reid’s of N.I. truck :slight_smile:

Here is his website address, they have a gallery section too so you may find what your looking for there.


Thanks Greg, I tried their website but the gallery only has 4 pictures in it, none of the FH I’m after - which Is a shame.

I’ll send them an email and see if I get a response!


I know this isn’t the one your after.

but I remember seeing it at Truckfest at Edinburgh a few years ago. The driver
said all he played in it was Meatloaf, but I couldn’t honestly say wheter the paint job was related to that.

Have look hereChris Hodge theres loads of photos on there.

certainly looks like it was Meatloaf inspired to me mate :wink:

and there was me thinking I had an original idea!
Oh well, I had better think of another one…perhaps an Eddie Van Halen style paintjob…

certainly looks like it was Meatloaf inspired to me mate :wink:

and there was me thinking I had an original idea!
Oh well, I had better think of another one…perhaps an Eddie Van Halen style paintjob…

Go “Jump” will you scarab

Hat and coat time again

monters loose

and this firm have a daf xf105 painted with van halen murals aswell as this acdc scanny

this pic from www.v8power.nl

a link to pictures of the truck taken at assen

These were taken after the accident just before it was repaired.

No shame in being a meatloaf fan :sunglasses: and very good Quinny :laughing:

If I had my own truck to do a custom paintjob it’d probably be sadder, maybe an Alien theme or Wing Commander.

so have leadbeaters had it back or has it been sold on mate

Hi Guys,

Well I know I shouldn’t admit this, but I’ve always been a big Meatloaf fan (dons anorak and tin hat)

Nothing wrong with that - I was in the front row when he played Ashton Gate last year…

(and I’ve seen him lots of times before…)