A gentle warning for THE A2 by KAMEN-KREUZ

For all those whose route takes them through
this part of Germany,Yet again we have had a
accident in Road-works where a vehicle went
into the rear end of the traffic which was in
theroad works, quite a few peopel were injured
The TRAFFIC on this road is all ways heavy and
the rubbish way the germans police the roadworks
allows the idiots to break the law as regards the
speed limit,and no overtakeing ban for lorries
SO take care when useing this part of the Bab,

here is a link where you canread about some
of the accidents ,in english.

JUST CLICK where it says translate this page

SO Take Care out there,

what always baffled me about german roadworks,was the narrow outer lane,which trucks wouldnt fit in anyway and are banned from it.
this outer lane would be wide enough for a ford ka perhaps,but i have had vans and other wider vehicles overtaking me in them.
suicide was my thought on it.
if i could,i used to try and block the second lane,stay slightly over the white line and drive to the speed limit.
you would see a line of traffic building up.
i never cared,i just used to watch one ot the traffic were not the green and white car.polizi in other words.
german roadworks are a nightmare.

They are a nightmare, adverse cambers, speed limits that change with no notice, up or down, sharp bends, concrete everywhere, only paint to stop you going over a 40 or 50 foot drop (go past Aachen and see)