A few trucks from Odessa Ukraine

Just a few pics of trucks that got in my way on a recent visit to Odessa.

Good snaps . Looks grim ?

It’s not that bad a place, old russian trucks still dominate, but there are a growing number of nice new scaniasm Merc and renaults around The docks are the same as docks anywhere, but the old city is quite nice, lots of old architecture, there are some really nice parks, statues, and the marina and harbour area is quite beautiful. The Potemkin steps, which were was where the russian revolution started is worth a visit as is the opera house. I quite enjoy Odessa, being on the black sea, the climate is reasonable most of the year.

Wots the crumpet like ?

Stunningly beautiful! :wink:

Then I take back all I’ve said . I always judge a country by its people ( Women )

Just trying my hand at posting pics . The photos ( if my attempt proves successful ) don’t actually correspond with the title of the thread , as they were taken in Belorus in 2008 and not in the Ukraine as the heading would suggest , but this was the closest match that I’ve been able to find , and since the last previous post on this thread was in 2010 , I can’t imagine anyone taking umbrage .

So here goes .