Hey guys ive got an assessment drive for a company im doing agency DRIVER MATE work for atm, vehicles are class 2 dafs automatics, ive only just passed my test and have never driven an automatic car let along lorry, any tips? ‘apart from tuck my left leg away lol’
also I will have to answer some questions on tacho and drivers hours, I know the basics but there are a few questions im unsure about, one of the guys was nice enough to give me a current mock test paper, I think they are updating that.
questions im unsure about:
within how many days should you return you return your completed tachograph charts?
a. 25days
b. 30days
c. 35days
d. 42days
e. 28days
f. never
you are driving a vehicle requiring the use of a tachograph. you must carry tachograph charts for the current week and the last?
a. day of the previous week on which you drove.
b. seven days on which you drove
c. fourteen days on which you drove
d. twenty-eight days on which you drove
e. the previous fifteen calendar days
f. the current day and the previous twenty eight days.
when I put my digi card in I can add entries about my shift end and todays start,
a. only when the card is first inserted
b.at the end of the day
c.at any time of the day
any help/tips will be great.