A few pics of what's left of Ipswich docks!

I have taken a few pictures of Ipswich docks, the old port area now having been almost completely redeveloped - as it seems to be with any town with a river frontage.

The ABP Port of Ipswich is still going, although completely overshadowed by Felixstowe and Harwich just a few miles up the river Orwell. What is interesting is the remains of the old port that heve not as yet had yuppie flats built on them.

I hope you enjoy these, it’s a port that has existed for North Sea trade since the vikings, but now fast becoming a giant car park and housing development.

Here is the entrance of the Western port.

There are lots of fenced off areas of the old docks that still remain and which have a nice industrial feel still:

You can move along down to the timber warehouses which are still doing very good business…

Although not really a container port, Ipswich has its share of ugly metal boxes rusting away quietly…

…and other ugly metal bits…

An old dock compound now abandoned:

No trucks this time I’m afraid, but it interested me…

Great pictures, I especially like these 3

dont need trucks in them, they look great in black and white

(i was parked there friday night, and wanted to take some pics but my camera batteries were rather flat, so only managed the buxton volvo in my thread)

A few more of the other end - the Wet Dock, including the remains of the Paul’s grain warehouse. This dock was used for the trade in various things through the ages, including quite heavy trade in grain and sugar with Poland.

First, the ruins of the brick building on the docks roundabout:

Next, the well known sight of the front of the Pauls building:

Now a few of this building and the actual loading bays and entrances:

On the following one I changed the brightness and contrast and it looks nice and dirty I think, which is how the place feels…

Then looking towards the wet dock compund, there are a few trucks in here parked up:

An AFL drawbar pulling into the docks:

More ruins…

And back out to the street again!


my mate has just brought a flat in this area, you see all of this when i visit him.

i went into pauls once to unload, it was a pain in the arse to be honest, but a shame to see the old buildings and trade going. where the trucks are parked, you used to be able to shortcut past tarmacs to get to cliff quay (i always used to say i had just tipped there) to save going round the one way system, i wonder how long it is before tarmacs are forced out of the dock for more redevelopment…

great pics too

Nice pictures. The ones of the empty buildings are very atmospheric.

Nice pictures, especially in Black and White.

I love seeing old places like that. Have a look around Wincolmlee the next time you are in Hull. It shows how things were for transport and shipping

Great pictures again, I love these kind of shots.

Thanks for the comments all, will try & keep em coming!! :smiley:

good mate. esp as i live in that area :laughing: :laughing: . i was in the bistro resturant last night can walk from my house to it. great shots and nice to see even though i see it everyday. i notice something different everyday also which is a shame the way its being “redeveloped” for want of better words.

Great pictures bring back a lot of memories ,MY interview with Mr F archer in the late 80 s, when he had a portacabin at new cut east, sailing out on ferry ways boat meny times when we parked in the dock with morrison freight .
I think the way things are going most of what you see there now will soon be replaced by housing. :cry: