A few pics from the weekend! (not many words)

Which one should i take, DAF CF ,Scania V8 R500 or Man TGA?

On the bays at Morrisons Kettering.

3 Steps to heaven!!

Had a silly Shell Euro card so had to stop for fuel at M1 Jct 28.

Drop my trailer at Innovate M1 jct 29 an pick up a trailer full of ice cream for base!

Back at base and giving the trailer a drop of cherry!

Back on the bay and time for home.

Hope you enjoy, regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:

Good pics. Thanks very much, appreciate it.

I want some work :frowning: â– â– â– â– â– , looks like you had a good time mate! Thanks for the pics!

Cheers Rog,
All my pictures seem to be the correct size now!
Smokinbarrels :smiley:

Cheers Rog,
All my pictures seem to be the correct size now!
Smokinbarrels :smiley:

You’re welcome and it was a good read :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Good Pic’s :smiley:

Cool, you probably go to a lot of the places I do so no doubt might cross paths, won’t have any idea who you are though :laughing:

Cool, you probably go to a lot of the places I do so no doubt might cross paths, won’t have any idea who you are though :laughing:

That is the best bit about an internet forum, you never know who is watching :smiling_imp: mwahahaha,

we all need to get a number plate with our forum username on it and stick it in the cab!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wouldnt help me as i cant get any work at the minute but hey! :laughing:

Hi Kiowan,
I’m always at CO-OP Halesowen, not a bad place to get to, but a proper pig getting on the bays! :confused:
Regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:

Jesus that looks a bit tight!! Not for the faint hearted! :laughing:

Its not that tite, its just bloody awkward! You have to blind it in and at the same time watch your front end on the metal fence that just in front of the bays! :open_mouth:
Regards Smokinbarrels :smiley:

Not teaching anyone to â– â– â– â–  eggs or showing off, but looking at that last picture, it is not so difficult, especially with the yellow hatching. If you can keep your trailer wheels on the n/s yellow line. You can forget about the drivers side until you can straighten up.

I know you will say , yes, but you have been driving for a hundred years, well just watch what the shunters do, and more importantly what they are looking at when they do it.

Everybody can â– â– â– â–  up. I do it myself. But just remember there is enough room between the lines, so apart from a slight tailswing, you can concentrate on the fence and the n/s trailer wheel

Cheers for the advice Wheel nut, i seem to â– â– â– â–  up this place (and every other) every time i go there. :confused: Us new drivers need all the advice and help we can get! :blush:
Cheers mate! :wink:
Regards Smokinbarrels

Yeah in all fairness if you’ve only just started, blindsiding isn’t easy, even with those nice curved yellow lines to follow. Never been to coop in Halesowen, though I know where it is, I work for Innovate so do the Morrisons and Tescos rdc’s etc…