A. Dowell & Sons, Suffolk

How could I have forgotten? When I made the post about Woolpit, I forgot all about Dowells - it was only when Chalkey mentioned them that I remembered them.

So - does anyone have any photos or memories about them, (and Loadwells as well if you have any pics).

I seem to remember KW posting a pic of a Loadwells Marathon some time last year??

I seem to remember KW posting a pic of a Loadwells Marathon some time last year??

Not me,in fact I’ve never seen a Marathon on Loadwell’s fleet.
The earliest trucks I remember are the 141 Scania’s,then they had some 142’s and went downhill after that,buying FL10’s.

i have some somewhere alec gave me sometime ago of some beavers in italy
a vabis i will dig them out

i have some somewhere alec gave me sometime ago of some beavers in italy

:open_mouth: oh, you mean the Leyland type :wink:

Re Loadwells Marathonshttp://www.wagonpics.com/mtp18.htm
I think they had 10 or so for the local work

i have a pic of a loadwell 141 tbj r with a dowells v on the grill.
reason baing alec dowell bought the truck new then decided before registering that he didnt want it as had a chance of a 111 instead.
all painted in dowells blue colours he sold it to loadwell - they renamed her and kept the v on the grill

any one got any loadwell lb scania photos? :smiley: