A day of a retired Truck Driver

About 6 mounth ago I retired at the age of 60 I just had it. I thought that it been made redundant twice so me and the wife up sticks and moved to clacton .Well what a life I love it .Get up in the morning take the wife to station come home have breakfast and read the paper put the washing in the machine then get the hover out dust and polish put the washing out make the beds clean the windows. TIime for lunch watch telivision for a bit have a kip on sofa when I wake up bring in washing get dinner ready play about on the computer for a hour or so pick the wife up fron the station cook dinner wash up with the wifes help then I can go and sit down that a 15 hour day no WTD for me no tackos to fill in no hold up on moterways just a labour of love and on saturday and sunday I only have to get lunch an dinner so I only do a 10 hour day do you think I am a keep man? got to go now got to mow the grass Powershot

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: sounds too much like hard work :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

i`ll stick with the driving thanks :laughing: :wink:

what about domestic hours :smiley:
or are you on a log book for that :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: couldn’t resist

Sounds like your enjoying the change of career from Professional Driver to Domestic Engineer, best wishes. :laughing: :laughing:

each to their own. the day i retire will also be the day i become the back seat passenger in a hearse. i couldnt handle not having to work :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds good to me … i,m thinking of throwing in the towel on this god awful useless industry , sick of the crap that comes with it , the ques the crappy security the crappy warehouse staff ,crappy roads and most of all i,m sick of working for other people …
30 years old been in the industry for 9 years(not as long as some but longer than others) and well and truly piddled off with it , currently collating all the info on fees and training to be a domestic/commercial sparky working for myself …
So not quite retiring but getting away from the endless days and hours stuck behind a wheel or getting a square arse hanging about on a bay :unamused:


Same as me start my plumbing course next month. :smiley:

Dont leave trucknet uk who better when our radiators boil over than a plumber, or sparky to fit my dropper :laughing: :laughing: