A book called "Drive on confidently"

:imp: :imp: :imp: i read about this book which is supposed to be very helpful to a new driver and possibly the experienced driver, however here is what happened to me if you want to buy it order from truckstuff website but not from janine@driveragencylist.co.uk thanx for nothing! and buy something nice with my money, :imp:

You can buy it from here


great i will :smiley: , and just for an update, after paypal not getting a response from the seller, i emailed the website and told them i was sharing my experience and i got an email back saying they would refund me, that was 2 days ago maybe they thought i was bluffing, also it only takes a few mouse clicks to refund money. moral stay away from the seller of this book on www.driveragencylist.co.uk :imp:

E-mail them back with a link to this thread :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

haha cheers semtex, i am going to do just that, i have ordered the book from mothertruckers advice at proffessional drivers association they are very helpful :smiley:

:imp: :smiling_imp: juas tried to send them a link i am now getting back the old deamon mail returned etc, looks like they have run with my money , fee; free to look at the site www.driveragencylist.co.uk but buy anything at your own risk!!!