A bit chilly are we?

Never never moan about your cab heater again in this country !
God knows where or when But I do not want to overnight here EVER .

3 wheeler:
0Never never moan about your cab heater again in this country !
God knows where or when But I do not want to overnight here EVER .

will I need an overnight bag and satnav? :grimacing: toothbrush? :sunglasses:

:open_mouth: W :open_mouth: O :open_mouth: W :open_mouth:

Forget about de-icer it’d be quicker to wait for spring.

One of those supermarket tins of deicer will have it sorted. Only cost a pound

Here is the answer to the other poster wanted to know what is it like working for igloo recruitment.


Who ever set my fridge temperature is having a laugh

Ice sculpture…goody I can practice :smiley:

What do you mean you are going to be late for that 13:00 tip at Amazon Dunfermline for Wednesday?! :imp: :smiley:

bonnie lass:
:shock: W :open_mouth: O :open_mouth: W :open_mouth:

thats what my first wife had tattooed on her ■■■■ cheeks! :laughing: before she bent over! :grimacing: the second wife had " convoi exceptional " on hers! :sunglasses: third wife had two different postcodes for two different arse cheeks! :wink: fourth wife is perfect! :smiley:

What you can’t see in this photo is Robroy walking back with an arm full of wood to light a fire under the fuel tank with his “crack on regardless” T shirt on

sorry mate couldn’t resist :wink:

Drivers would spontaneously combust just to keep warm

hope he got his night out gear

And in reply to ‘how do u do winter’ thread…we don’t!!

Looks like Arkangel…

Putting your fidge on -28 there is to ‘warm it up’… :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Don’t ■■■■, or you’ll get arseburned by snowflakes crusting around inside your pants…

…and whatever you do - don’t touch any door handles without gloves on! :blush:

Yes, and you’ll need mittens to ■■■■ as well…

seen colder and bigger :stuck_out_tongue:

did i dream it or was he pulling my leg. A driver told me of a winter run to Siberia where he was issued with electricaly heated overalls which had an umbilical connection to the wagon.

Fatboy slimslow:

bonnie lass:
:shock: W :open_mouth: O :open_mouth: W :open_mouth:

thats what my first wife had tattooed on her ■■■■ cheeks! :laughing: before she bent over! :grimacing: the second wife had " convoi exceptional " on hers! :sunglasses: third wife had two different postcodes for two different arse cheeks! :wink: fourth wife is perfect! :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: