A big thank you!

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the drivers that helped me out at Tibshelf services (southbound) last Thursday night when my load came loose. There was a lad who drove a low loader full of cars that runs out of Immingham,a chap from down South and a Willi Betz driver

I noticed a bulge in my curtains and pulled in, i looked in the back and the pallets i was carrying had slid across and tipped over the edge! There was no way i could lift it on my own and after 2 mins or so the drivers appeared and offered to help, being new to this i told them i needed all the help i cud get, with a load of brute force we managed to get this pallet up and strapped down!

Thank you again, i wish i had taken your names so i could do this properly.

Goes to show that drivers stick together and I can honestly say if I see a driver in trouble i would not hesiatate to stop and help.

Thanks again lads!


Hi Ben, i gotta say that i have found it amazing on here the unity between drivers. i only passed my class two yesterday, but put a post up on here the day before the test asking about controlling nerves and responses i got were top notch, but it was the fact that people actually bothered to reply, instead of just ignoring it with a thought of " oh he is only a novice" and not bothering because i was ignorant enough to think that this might be a very clique place but how bloody wrong was i!! :blush: then yesterday i passed first time put a post up to let the people know and the messages of congratulations i got and support to go on and do class one knocked me out, i guess the point i am trying to make is that your story does not surprise me in the least, because they are a great bunch of lads and ladies on her bigtime!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink: