A big thank you.

I think i have read just about every post in this section of the web site and taken in so much usefull information. I had my Class 2 test today and i am pleased to say that i am now a Lorry driver.

I truly believe that the helpfull advice found on this web site has helped me pass.

Any new drivers i find in my firm will be directly passed to this website.

So, to all of those drivers and instructors who have posted in this forum i thank you.

Thank you.


Well done talisman :laughing:

Now you can go out and learn to DDC :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Welcome to the club :sunglasses: Where are you based ? Whats your plans now ?

I am based in somerset - Taunton area.

I am planning to have a week off and then start work asap. Im not looking to do anything overtly exiting, just an 8 hour a day run would do. I have been told that this shouldnt be too hard to do as none of the other drivers want boring hum drum jobs.

I am dead happy, i passed the training vehicle i have been in earlier and it felt so good to be able to say “i dont need to drive that any more” :smiley:

I think i have read just about every post in this section of the web site and taken in so much usefull information. I had my Class 2 test today and i am pleased to say that i am now a Lorry driver.

Well done Jamie :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Now that you can drive a lorry, you are on the way to become a lorry driver - lots still to learn. DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK

Well Done

Welcome to tn

Nice one!
Yes, this site is the dogs for info etc!

Well done Jamie!


I think i have read just about every post in this section of the web site and taken in so much usefull information. I had my Class 2 test today and i am pleased to say that i am now a Lorry driver.

Well done Jamie :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Now that you can drive a lorry, you are on the way to become a lorry driver - lots still to learn. DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK[/quote

very true, i only know as much as my experience allows, and i dont have much in the way of experience. Still have to get some time in other kinds of lorries - slapovers and eatons etc…

Congratulations mate - i`m dead jealous !!! (theory test tomorrow) :open_mouth:

how did the theory test go?

theory test passed mate :smiley:

WELL DONE :laughing: :laughing: