Now I’m not flush but today I had 3 £50 notes to go buy a tumble dryer , called into a well known electrical superstore to make my purchase after reserving online & borrowing a van , went to hand over the cash only to be told that they don’t take £50 notes ! I said why not , its legal tender last time I checked , store policy he said , what not taking cash , its to do with counterfeiting, I said do you have a pen to check & can I see the manager , manager came over & said the same , company policy , we , we don’t take 50’s , we can however take your payment by card , I said no thank you I will spend my hard earned else where …
Off I trot to the range next door , same machine £10 cheaper, bargain I thought , went to pay only to be told the same , we don’t take 50’s , company policy , your having a laugh arnt you …50’s in comparison are least counterfeited these days , so I’m home with a cuppa & my 50,s …
I thought the only money that can be refused was a certain amount of slummy £2 in 2p’s,5p’s,10p’s and the like.
Whats the point of money if thats the case
Ive only had a 50pound note twice in my life got them both times when i stung the bookies for big sums. Where did you get 3 from?
I think its a pretty useless denomination.
Got married two weeks ago & some of the cards we had people had put a 50 in them , got more than 3 but that’s the first time I tried to spend them … I’ve used 50s before but this is the first issue I’ve had with them …
Tipper Tom:
I’ve had the same thing. Banks will change them but very few places will take them. Scottish notes are the worst though
Oh don’t get me started, especially with all those white British shopkeepers you get, I’ve had rows in KFC and Asda after I’ve been up the road in Scotland and got a few notes left.
I had a £50 note tip this year from a bloke I did a move for, I also got one last year from a bloke who I believe never ended up paying the company for the job
I can say that My wife accepts them without hesitation and seems to find no issue with spending them.
Ive only had a 50pound note twice in my life got them both times when i stung the bookies for big sums. Where did you get 3 from?
I think its a pretty useless denomination.
Got married two weeks ago & some of the cards we had people had put a 50 in them , got more than 3 but that’s the first time I tried to spend them … I’ve used 50s before but this is the first issue I’ve had with them …
Firstly congrats on the wedding. Mate of mine in London, notoriously careful with money, is a painter and decorator and tends to get paid in £50 notes. We reckon he keeps them on him so that when he goes to the bar to buy a round he banks on the barman coming out with the “we don’t take £50 notes” routine then somebody else has to pay!
The strange way of things these days, maybe they don’t really want cash customers any more these days just like car dealers, don’t make enough on a straight sale so hoping you’ll be going for the never never where they take a nice slice off the top, there was a time when cash was king.
Comet showed the way to exit the business scene by not attracting and keeping customers, the high street is dying and for all their bloody university degress they can’t see why, let it wither if this their idea of customer service.
Hows about this plan, find it online even cheaper with free delivery, put those 3 x50’s in the bank and take out a credit card for online purchases and pay it off by DD so no interest ever…no parking nazis, no traffic jams, no screaming brats or their equally obnoxious parents to avoid, sit at home with feet up and a cold beer in hand, click a few keys on the PC and hey presto tumble dryer on its way.
Had the same thing in Morrisons a while ago, I’d been round and done a weeks shopping and was paying with 3 x £50 notes and got told they won’t take them. Left everything where it was and went to sainsburys, checked before I’d done the shopping if they would take them, was told lady on till will call for a 2nd opinion and authorisation to take the 50’s, fine by and shopping done with no probs.
Since then don’t want 50’s as everybody thinks their/you’re dodgy and Morrisons don’t get any of my money since then
Kemaro - Are you anywhere near a Costco store? You have to be a member to use the store itself but they will take your £50’s Have a look at their website You can order online with a slight charge without being a member and you will get an appliance generally cheaper than in the well known stores