£300 per week,monday to saturday job

Saw it on JC website,in Wakefield.that the gross amount,and get a saturday run in payment,it was with Oleo products,on 07971001107,Robert Heald.
It is a container drivers job,class one.


Not that good,is it?

I bet they will struggle to fill it £300.00 before tax & ins for 6 days work = £50.00 per day gross, if divided by say 11 hours = around £4.54 per hour, they have either made a error on the figure or they are taking the piste, for those who are out of work it would mean them being financially worse off, no wonder why so many are on benefits with jokers like these around, but as someone once said the job center should be called the joke center as most of the jobs in there pay joke wages , i for one wouldn’t get out of bed for £300,00 per week before tax ect, doesn’t even meet the minimum wage

With housing/council tax/dental care/eye tests all paid for,there is no incentive to load your car up,as out of pocket before getting to the yard,with the fuel price hike.

correct o mundo, they must be trippin on something is all i can say, isn’t it illegal to pay less than the minimum wage ?,
thing they all do want to see is that we drivers have to pay just to be able to drive, with medicals, digi tacho cards,and now driver’s cpc by2014, then every 5 years, the unemployed can’t as it stand get help to do this cpc nonsense either

Not that good,is it?

That sort of money was about years ago, and it was no good then. :wink: :smiley:

If the cost of living was reduced then people could afford to take a cut in pay, but as long as things keep on the same track nothing is going to get any better, radical changes are needed to the way some things are, but this and successive government wont implement such changes as they would loose out,so not in their greedy selfish interests, as for a start if they expect me and others to believe that this country is nearly bankrupt then they would have to take a pay cut of at least 50% and scrap expenses too, then stop trying to police the world by poking nose in other counties affairs costing tax payer lots of money,
limit migration and asylum for a start ,then increase social housing or make it affordable to more of the population, and make the bank’s re pay what they borrowed from the public ■■■■■ with interest

i’m on the look out for my first class 1 job, but i’m not that desperate

Thought the name and colour scheme were familiar:

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Robert Heald had quite a few motors on boxes up until a year or so ago … think he fancied himself as another SanMar :slight_smile: … then i heard he went bust … but started up again as Oleo … managed to keep 2 or 3 units.
That wage is really taking the proverbial :laughing: … even the Latvians where i work would want more than that :unamused:

That’s how low life like him get rich, by paying such ridiculously low wages.

Anyone who works for him at that wage, needs a check up from the neck up.


i saw this today. and yes i £issed myself laughing.

That is nothing less than shamefull.

i went for an interview at robert heald about 8 years ago, seemed a pretty good outfit back then, i saw this on the jobcentre website today, showing £300 per week, and i’m currently out of work, and i wouldn’t get out of bed for this,

Heald’s have always been crap. I remember they were advertising when I passed my class 1 many moons ago and they’ve been advertising ever since, with the same crap money on offer. :unamused:

Totaly agree with Tommy T’s comments on this post.
And that Davenham pdf is full of Corporate ■■■■■■■■, it’s no wonder the Transport Industry is going down the ■■■■■■■■

If you took that job for £300 a week. You have to make sure the truck’s MPG was 1 mile or less :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

If you took that job for £300 a week. You have to make sure the truck’s MPG was 1 mile or less :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

That would be a certainty with the 5 gallon drums that would be coming with me to make up for the ■■■■ wage. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wounder what the bonus is

subsistence allowance at £25 net per night, plus driving hours bonus and meal allowance

Maybe if you can drive 60 hours a week you’ll get another fiver :open_mouth: :cry: