£100 fine 3 points for 'keeping her lit'

Reading this article

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ivers.html

I wonder how long before someone posts on here using something like the above title they got clobbered by a traffic cop.

But who would get the fine

The truck driver in lane one ‘keeping her lit’ refusing to knock off the cruise control with a ‘would rather cut my arm off with a butter knife…’ attitude


the truck driver in lane 2 trying to overtake all be it very slowly…and how long would it have to witnessed for to become an “offence”

just curious.

Surely in that situation they could argue that it was overtaking ( even if it took 25 miles)

Under the Highway Code, both the middle and outside lane are designed for overtaking only.

Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

It all boils down to taking money off the easy targets, motorists. Just another way of generating revenue. I do wonder how they will enforce it. Surely they will have to employ more traffic cops to cope with the dramatic increase in offences? Because let’s face it if you got a pound for every time you saw a lane hogger or tailgater…

I do agree that lane hoggers and tailgaters need to be penalised but I fear the enforcing officers will be able to exploit the new law.

As I read it there is no law prohibiting one lorry overtaking another except where restrictions apply, the law can only be enforced if you do not return to the nearside lane as soon as possible after the overtaking movement has been completed; the debate will start as to what the police deem “as soon as possible”. I think the clampdown is aimed at drivers who hog the middle or outside lanes needlessly with no intention of returning to the nearside, I cant see anybody will complaining about that.


Cruise Control:
how long would it have to witnessed for to become an “offence”

just curious.

It wouldn’t become an offence because there isn’t anything illegal about overtaking.

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

Won’t affect me, I don’t do it.


Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers ■■■■■■ then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It all boils down to taking money off the easy targets, motorists. Just another way of generating revenue. I do wonder how they will enforce it. Surely they will have to employ more traffic cops to cope with the dramatic increase in offences? Because let’s face it if you got a pound for every time you saw a lane hogger or tailgater…

I do agree that lane hoggers and tailgaters need to be penalised but I fear the enforcing officers will be able to exploit the new law.

Section 3 offences are usually the result of minor prangs and usually dealt with by a waggy finger and a few humorous remarks from the traffic cop ,tailgating,lane hogging can only be considered an offence if someone has been inconvenienced (usually by being shunted up the rear end by a tailgater )

This is the legislation in question

It is defined in law (section 3ZA of the Road Traffic Act 1988)
as driving that
“falls below what is expected
of a competent and careful
driver” and “driving without
reasonable consideration for
other persons only if those persons are inconvenienced by
his driving”. The offences for careless driving include driving
“without due care and attention” and “without reasonable
consideration for other person
s” (section 3 of the Road
Traffic Act 1988).



Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers [zb] then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and Beema drivers :grimacing:

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That WILL happen!

■■■■■■■■ to them. I didn’t ask for speed limiters, tachographs, smoking bans, seatbelts, cctv, VOSA, HA wombles, variable speed limits, H&S paranoia, overtaking bans, weight limits, parking bans, lorry bans, paying to park, traffic wardens etc etc etc.

I only ever wanted to do an honest day’s work. Is that so much to ask?

So whenever I get a chance to use something, I take it, regardless of how petty it may seem. Because I don’t know if I’ll have the freedom to do it tomorrow.

The people who complain the loudest about being held up by HGV’s are the same people who complain about THUNDERING JUGGERNAUGHTS.

So, ■■■■■■■■.



Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers [zb] then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t have to though because my “Super Scania” comes with DRL’s anyway :wink:
Having said that, I don’t recall ever seeing a Daf with DRL’s, probably just in case it comes to a hill and it needs all the energy it can muster to get up it.




Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers [zb] then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t have to though because my “Super Scania” comes with DRL’s anyway :wink:
Having said that, I don’t recall ever seeing a Daf with DRL’s, probably just in case it comes to a hill and it needs all the energy it can muster to get up it.

The previous driver of your current shed didn’t say that as I out pulled him off a roundabout on the A38 with my poorly little DAF :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:





Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers [zb] then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t have to though because my “Super Scania” comes with DRL’s anyway :wink:
Having said that, I don’t recall ever seeing a Daf with DRL’s, probably just in case it comes to a hill and it needs all the energy it can muster to get up it.

The previous driver of your current shed didn’t say that as I out pulled him off a roundabout on the A38 with my poorly little DAF :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: I heard you had just tipped a 20ft box in Fradley and had the lift axle up on trailer and the unit while he was loaded heavy on both decks coming out the hub :wink:

I gather that hogging the middle lane is only an offence if the motorist is in the middle lane when the inside lane is empty. So a lorry overtaking another in the inside lane cannot be done for hogging the middle lane. Sometimes as you will know we fail to do the overtake and drop back again behind the vehicle we were attempting to overtake.

The only thing Spanky out pulled was his 4skin :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:






Non-endorsable (no points) fixed penalty notices increasing from £30 to £50 include:

Lighting offences, eg misuse of head lamps

In before they start fining HGV’s flashing each other in :smiling_imp:

That’s for the morons that drive round with fog lights/ main beam on 24/7

that’s 99% of the scania drivers [zb] then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I don’t have to though because my “Super Scania” comes with DRL’s anyway :wink:
Having said that, I don’t recall ever seeing a Daf with DRL’s, probably just in case it comes to a hill and it needs all the energy it can muster to get up it.

The previous driver of your current shed didn’t say that as I out pulled him off a roundabout on the A38 with my poorly little DAF :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: I heard you had just tipped a 20ft box in Fradley and had the lift axle up on trailer and the unit while he was loaded heavy on both decks coming out the hub :wink:

the only part of that statement that is correct was Fradley :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

he is just saying that out of sheer embarrassment, it was that bad, he kept pulling the curtains further and further across his side window trying to hide :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: