8 Wheels and Grumpy

:open_mouth: Please do not unload machinery like this guy did :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

WARNING : a couple of the pics are a bit gruesome


It would never happen to me.

I’ve got a HiVis. :unamused:

I did have a slightly dodgy moment while I was trying to load wirralpete’s fated jellybabies - one of them looked like it might slip off - so I did what any professional would do in that situation - ran to the opposite side of the yard until it looked safe. :wink:

:astonished: one thing springs to mind where was his ramps ?

The machine wasnt going to drive anywhere with ramps or not as it was only the base and tracks, although the blood looked real enough.

Montana man some pictures are realy disgasting :open_mouth:

Oh dear!

Looks like somebody didn’t fill out the correct hazard assessment form :open_mouth:

I was just about to have irish stew as well…

with dumplins…