7.5 tonne hopefully

I have applied for 7.5 tonne lorry job at work, it eventually came up.
thank god.
Hopefully i will get it…
i really do as all the effort i have put towards it.
fingers crossed
:sunglasses: :smiley: :astonished:

good luck,keep us posted!
Simon :smiley:

I start on monday 2nd June.
I can’t wait but i am extremely nervous,scared etc.

I have been told that they are possibly putting me through my Class 2 test.
I am going for an assessment on thursday 29th May in thetford.
i hope things go well.

I start on monday 2nd June.
I can’t wait but i am extremely nervous,scared etc.

I have been told that they are possibly putting me through my Class 2 test.
I am going for an assessment on thursday 29th May in thetford.
i hope things go well.

WELL DONE on getting the job :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Remember the assessment is NOT a test - they probably looking for a safe smooth drive with progress when safe to do so - the less braking you do the better… ease off early by the use of good forward planning and anticipation.

Thanks Rog
Advice much appricated.
is there anyother advice you can give me?

Thanks Rog
Advice much appricated.
is there anyother advice you can give me?

Enjoy yourself :slight_smile:

Congratulations on the job,
well done
Simon :smiley:

lets hope i make a good impression on monday!!
I have one day at work coming in at 8am then 1 day off as i have hosp appointment then start my serious work starting before 6am.

Good luck with the job mutha-trucker :smiley:

Good luck mutha-trucker, we’re rootin’ for ya, so please keep us posted…:grimacing:

thank you for the best wishes everyone and lets just hope i do well.
:sunglasses: :smiley:

my assessment went ■■■■.
I buggered up the gears and was in the wrong position on the road.
I was rusty i guess.
BUMMER REALLY!!! :frowning:

my assessment went [zb].
I buggered up the gears and was in the wrong position on the road.
I was rusty i guess.
BUMMER REALLY!!! :frowning:

So, what now :question:
What was the decision :question: :question:

I’ll bet you do better when on your own :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the assessor had to get back to my boss.
He recommends that i have 5 days training.
just have to wait to see what my boss says.
i start new job monday so i can see then.
fingers crossed for me plz.