Here we go!!!
I have just had a 2 page “Quick Guide for Drivers” re WTD through the post from the Agency.
They explain working time, rest and poa’s but …
And I quote just a couple of points
“48 hrs is the average WORKING time over a 26 week period”
“WORKING TIME can be increased to a maximum 60 hours in a week”
Heres the cruncher on the frequently asked questions.
“Is 60 hours the maximum I can work in a week?”
“No 60 hours is the maximum WORKING TIME in a week, this does not include rest or POA”
!!! I thought it was 60 hours max a week made up of working time, rest and poa’s !!!
I’ve just looked up the Road Transport (Working Time) Guidance, section 3.1 where is says "workers may not exceed an average 48 hours working time a week over the reference period, nor may they exceed 60 hours working time ina single week… "
60 hours “duty” time is not referred to.
Although looking at section 3.2 Limits -
“If you are an employer, you must ensure your workers do not work more than an average 48 hour week or more than 60 hours in any single week”.
It gets even more interesting, I rang the helpline on the back of the sheet.
Hello is this the drivers WTD helpline?
Yes, do you work for us?
Is that the Agency?
No this is … (well known BIG national company).
So, not only do the agency get me to sign a disclaimer saying I understand and will abide by the WTD, they then send me information, copied from another company which could possibly make me illegal. Talk about taking responsibility!
Or have I got it hopelessly wrong again.
This is just a nightmare. My current job will be finishing in a couple of weeks, so I’m switching agencies anyway.
Make me laugh, swore I’d never go back in an office again. Looks like I’ll be pen pushing every day in the cab and once a week at home, totting up all this rubbish! (Will that be working time, or poa? LOL)
Look forward to hearing your opinions.