6 day week

As winter is creeping in there is plenty of overtime on Saturdays stockpiling logs in the yard for when access to the forest isn’t possible due to weather.

I work a standard week Monday-Friday maxing out my spread - over every day but not my driving time.
So last week I did mon-fri but also did 4am - 12noon on the Saturday, so by starting at 4am on Monday there I had 40 hours of weekly rest (owing 5hours now)
Could I work this Saturday exactly the same times and only take a 40hour rest and the following week take my 45 + 5 + 5?

To put it simply no.

Alternate Saturdays is as much as I can do

Hi, the rule is every 2nd weekend has to be 45 hrs so yes you can do 45 - 24 - 24 -45,
… Andy

Hi, the rule is every 2nd weekend has to be 45 hrs so yes you can do 45 - 24 - 24 -45,
… Andy

No it isn’t, the rule is that in any two fixed weeks (Mon-Sun) you must show at least one full and one reduced rest.

24 - 45 - 24 - 45

My understanding is your 40 hours is a reduced weekly rest period so you still need to have at least 45 hours and then to make up your 5 hours reduction by the end of the third week. I think.

Yeah . 1st fortnight 45/24 2nd fortnight 24/45, had it confirmed repeatedly at CPC and I drive for DHL and they wouldn’t let us do it unless legal eh

middle fortnight…24-24


Yeah . 1st fortnight 45/24 2nd fortnight 24/45, had it confirmed repeatedly at CPC and I drive for DHL and they wouldn’t let us do it unless legal eh

I wouldn’t use anything taught at a CPC as gospel.You cant do 45-24-24-45 all the time.

lol it don’t work like that, I’ve been watching these threads for a while but this is the 1st time I’ve joined in,
It’s 2 weeks, full rest & or reduced, then 2 more weeks, it’s not a rolling fortnight, no middle weeks,
And … if you do 45 . then 40 then 40 cos the minimum is 24, u count 29 and payback the 5 from the 1st reduced weekend then make up the rest by the 3rd weekend …
Never said do it all the time, Q was could he do 2 reduced back to back and yes he can and then when he’s caught up all the missing hours he can do it again,
Not reAlly trying to be argumentative on me 1st visit ha ha,
It’s not just my opinion, it’s all check able with the man eh

lol it don’t work like that, I’ve been watching these threads for a while but this is the 1st time I’ve joined in,
It’s 2 weeks, full rest & or reduced, then 2 more weeks, it’s not a rolling fortnight, no middle weeks,
And … if you do 45 . then 40 then 40 cos the minimum is 24, u count 29 and payback the 5 from the 1st reduced weekend then make up the rest by the 3rd weekend …
Never said do it all the time, Q was could he do 2 reduced back to back and yes he can and then when he’s caught up all the missing hours he can do it again,
Not reAlly trying to be argumentative on me 1st visit ha ha,
It’s not just my opinion, it’s all check able with the man eh

I don’t know who the man is, but from what you’ve posted either you’ve misunderstood him or he should be ignored in future :wink:

If you have one weekly rest period each weekend it is sometimes possible to have reduced weekly rest periods on two consecutive weekends, but that doesn’t always work so generally it’s best to say one regular 45 hour weekly rest period at-least every second weekend.

And you can only do that if you can manage to pay back the compensation for the reduced weekly rest periods by the end of the third week following the week in which the reduced weekly rest period was taken.

That’s the long answer, the short answer was given in the second post in the thread :smiley:

Yeah . 1st fortnight 45/24 2nd fortnight 24/45, had it confirmed repeatedly at CPC and I drive for DHL and they wouldn’t let us do it unless legal eh

If I’m understanding you correctly and assuming you have weekly rest periods only at weekends that’s incorrect and is likely to get you an infringement for insufficient weekly rest, if done on a regular basis will definitely get you infringements for insufficient weekly rest.

You should have a regular 45 hour weekly rest period at-least once in every two consecutive weeks, and it’s a rolling fortnight so any two consecutive weeks count.

With weekly rest periods at weekends you cannot legally have 45 24 24 45 on a regular basis, although there can be an exception generally it has to be 45 24 45 24 ec’t.

You’ve got to wonder at the DCPC when they are even teaching drivers hours incorrectly.

You’ve got to wonder at the DCPC when they are even teaching drivers hours incorrectly.

There is a fault in the system - many of the courses do not have their content checked as being accurate by a professional body

IMO all courses with drivers hours laws and RTD should be approved by VOSA for content

I think its disgusting actually. I’m one of the rare drivers that has no objection to having to do the DCPC but I do object very strongly to sitting in a room being lectured at my a misinformed fool teaching everyone badly about stuff where often the people in the class know more. If it was done properly and run by people who knew their stuff and made it interesting then I think a lot of the objections drivers had would fade away. Currently it just stinks of a money making racket. Some of these places would do less damage if they just issued the cards without doing the course, at least drivers wouldn’t come out knowing even less than when they went in!

I have never come across anyone doing a drivers regs course with a LGV training provider who says the info was incorrect - unless anyone knows different?

I used to work every Saturday because the rate was better, but of course because you can not legally do six days every week, I used to sacrifice a Monday on the week when I had to have 45 off. This also meant that the pay back hours were paid back every other week.

I used to work every Saturday because the rate was better, but of course because you can not legally do six days every week, I used to sacrifice a Monday on the week when I had to have 45 off. This also meant that the pay back hours were paid back every other week.

I think there might be quite a few drivers especially on agency that work weekends and take off days in the week for weekly rest because the weekend pay is better

I have never come across anyone doing a drivers regs course with a LGV training provider who says the info was incorrect - unless anyone knows different?

Well on this very post there is a man with incorrect info telling us he was told it on a DCPC. And every other driver I talk to about the DCPC seems to come out with some bad information he was told on a course. Not to mention the many time on here people complain about being given duff info by a trainer. You need to open your eyes a bit more sometimes Rog…