6 day week.

Quick question for those in the know. Was having a debate with a colleague about 6 shifts per week, every week. He said it’s permitted as long as you comply with weekly rest requirements.I wasn’t convinced.
Who’s right?
This is important, there’s a mars bar at stake here.
Cheers, Cavey.

Im guessing you could do 7 if you finished really early Sat AM and started at 11pm Sunday.

The question cant really be answered without knowing the length of the shifts.I think that you can do nine 8 hour shifts per week.

Finished 13:00 on Saturday and start 10:00 on Monday. Why not. 45 hours break done

As long as you comply with the weekly rest requirement you can work as many shifts as you can fit into the maximum 144 hours between weekly rest periods.

For instance if you work 5 shifts starting at 08:00 Monday to Friday then work until 11:00 Saturday you would still have 45 hours weekly rest period so you could do those 6 shifts every week.

The good news for you is that Tescos used to do 3 Mars bars for £1, I don’t know if they still do though :smiley:

wouldent that fall out of bed around week 10 as your weekley rest must be in one week or the other sure i read something like that

wouldent that fall out of bed around week 10 as your weekley rest must be in one week or the other sure i read something like that

It depends

Tesco got 4 for £1 at the moment.

As long as you comply with the weekly rest requirement you can work as many shifts as you can fit into the maximum 144 hours between weekly rest periods.

For instance if you work 5 shifts starting at 08:00 Monday to Friday then work until 11:00 Saturday you would still have 45 hours weekly rest period so you could do those 6 shifts every week.

The good news for you is that Tescos used to do 3 Mars bars for £1, I don’t know if they still do though :smiley:

Cheers for that (the mars bar info especially). Its a part of the rules that I’ve never needed to know, scary how much tou forget when you don’t use it.

Gotta remember 90 hour fortnight too

Maritime are doing 6 day weeks through November and December on the Amazon contract.said they’ve checked it out with vosa and all ok.

Maritime are doing 6 day weeks through November and December on the Amazon contract.said they’ve checked it out with vosa and all ok.

Yeah I heard that too in an RDC waiting room, the fella who told me was ex forces and had recently sold his software Co to Microsoft for millions, he was just helping a mate out by driving his truck. 27 quid an hour he was getting paid too! Some guys get all the luck.

the maoster:

Maritime are doing 6 day weeks through November and December on the Amazon contract.said they’ve checked it out with vosa and all ok.

Yeah I heard that too in an RDC waiting room, the fella who told me was ex forces and had recently sold his software Co to Microsoft for millions, he was just helping a mate out by driving his truck. 27 quid an hour he was getting paid too! Some guys get all the luck.

Didn’t he say he was also an astronaut? :open_mouth:

I did think he was a space cadet if that helps mate? :smiley: :smiley:

Im guessing you could do 7 if you finished really early Sat AM and started at 11pm Sunday.

This. You can quite legally work 365 days a year.

Company near us start 12 noon every sunday and finish 1 or 2 pm on a friday every week. Full 45 and a bit every week and working 6 days.

Company near us start 12 noon every sunday and finish 1 or 2 pm on a friday every week. Full 45 and a bit every week and working 6 days.

Where do I sign up?

Company near us start 12 noon every sunday and finish 1 or 2 pm on a friday every week. Full 45 and a bit every week and working 6 days.

That’s my preferred working pattern (to a degree I get the choice). Mid-day start on Sunday, 5-6 hours easy work and getting round the M25 when it’s quiet, with an early finish Friday.

Captain Caveman 76:
Quick question for those in the know. Was having a debate with a colleague about 6 shifts per week, every week. He said it’s permitted as long as you comply with weekly rest requirements.I wasn’t convinced.
Who’s right?
This is important, there’s a mars bar at stake here.
Cheers, Cavey.

You need differend Start Times. Saturday as early finish as possible and Start after 45 Hour.
Means you cant book Start on Monday as long as you dont know when you finish on Saturday.
Did that for long Time at Tesco,till they found out that i earned more then theres Drivers :slight_smile: