5th Wheel safety catch

I’m a part time agency driver so get to drive a variety of trucks.

Had a job at the weekend with a firm I’ve been to only once before and was presented with a nice 05 reg DAF 6x2 automatic. Its regular driver needed a lift back to his depot 30 miles away so came with me as I started my day. Great to have him there as although I’ve driven a couple of DAFs I’d never seen that type of gearbox and it saves a few minutes not having to look for all the switches etc. in an unfamiliar unit. With two pairs of eyes we sound found the trailer and once I’d coupled up he jumped down to wind up the legs and put the plate on. Nice chap.
As always, the first thing I went to do is check the coupling and attach the dog clip but couldn’t see a hole. He noticed my hesitation and came round to explain that as there’s a spring loaded catch tha :question: t drops down to block the handle this type of 5th wheel doesn’t have a catch. He explained that when new there was a bit of wire attached to the catch but this had been pulled off by rough use. The workshop had attached the chain as a replacement and that’s why it had a clip on the end bit was really only there as something to pull on.
This seemed a sensible explanation and while I was a bit unhappy about leaving the chain swinging about I could see that there was no way to release the handle without a considerable force being applied to the safety catch to lift it out of the way…and who better to ask than the regular driver whos been driving the same unit for 2 years, with the same company for 7 and with over 20 years international experience?

I finished my checks and pulled up at the gatehouse for them to check the seal and was impressed at how sharp eyed the security man was to spot the chain hanging down almost before he’d left the door. My “passenger” explained and demonstrated all that he’d said to me and we were allowed to continue.

Anyway, I had a nice day out and finished my shift a happy and richer man. As I bounded down the steps on my way to cross the yard I was approached by another driver (or may have been a shunter) who said “make sure you put that dog clip on in future” and before I could reply “I watched you pick up that trailer without the clip so I told the security man to stop you” Avoiding arguing why he told security and not me I explained what the regular driver had explained to me and he said “Well he’s a [zb] [zb] then, there is a hole for the clip round the other side and he should know that”

I’ve tried googling for this but can only find a reference to “attach dog clip OR ensure safety catch is in place” wich sort of backs up what I was told but can anyone clarify for the next time I come accross one of these?


Language edit. If it needs stars to beat the auto censor, that is the clue it isn’t allowed.

I used to have a magnum with same set up and i had the truck out of the box brand new never had a clip til the day it was sent back 4 years later

I’ve seen them drop down latches with and without clips. If you search some back posts you will see that Ady asked a similar question a while ago and someone posted photos of the locating hole etc. A bit wierd the way he singled you out though if the regular guy never uses it. You should of asked the shunter why he’d never watched and told the regular driver and then told him that whatever the othe driver is or isn’t that you aint one and to get on his bike !!!

I had a Y reg unitl recently with a similar arrangement though there was a place for the clip it didn’t have one. I complained and was told it didn’t need one.
Last week one of the night drivers dropped a trailer. Now they are all being fitted with clips. I don’t know the circumstances but apparently the trailer wouldn’t have come off if the clip had been fitted. have to add the driver had damaged the fifth wheel coupling when he reversed under it.

We have this type of 5th wheel arrangement. The spring loaded “L” shaped link drops down to lock the handle in a way that means you must pull it to the correct angle to allow you to pull the handle (if you get my drift). All very safe and automatic,all you need to do is give 2 tugs and then a looksee to make sure the “L” link has dropped. All well and good so far. But there is also a hole for an ,often missing, dog clip! I suppose the thinking is " with one safety device it CAN’T come out, whereas with two it WON’T!!!" Belt and braces I suppose. :laughing: But why isn’t there a safety clip to prevent the safety clip coming out? or even another to… prevent that :confused:

The ones with that “L” catch which I have driven, have had the clip on a piece of wire, attached to the “L” catch, so that when the clip is in the hole, you CAN’T pull the wire far enough to let the catch clear the handle.
I had one (not the “L” type) the other night, which wouldn’t engage when I backed onto it. In the end, I had to get someone to knock the handle across with their hand while I held the unit against the pin, then when I tried to fit the safety on, it wouldn’t go through the hole because the handle was blocking it !
In fact some of the vehicles I am being expected to drive recently may cause me to change my name to “Silver Fox” :unamused: (or even Ghandi)

I had one (not the “L” type) the other night, which wouldn’t engage when I backed onto it. In the end, I had to get someone to knock the handle across with their hand while I held the unit against the pin,

If you have this prob again …pull back forward until 5th wheel is clear of trailer get out and tap/push the handle back towards the rear of unit …it will not go all the way in like you might think it would but it will go back a notch …the 5th wheel is now primed …just reverse back normally now and it will engage and lock normally …dont forget to tug test and visually check all is well though

There is another way to do it too but the above mentioned way is the safest and most reliable way imho. :wink:

there is a hole for the clip round the other side

The other side of what exactly,the moon?


If you have this prob again …pull back forward until 5th wheel is clear of trailer get out and tap/push the handle back towards the rear of unit …it will not go all the way in like you might think it would but it will go back a notch …the 5th wheel is now primed …just reverse back normally now and it will engage and lock normally …dont forget to tug test and visually check all is well though

There is another way to do it too but the above mentioned way is the safest and most reliable way imho. :wink:

Thanks Reef, I’ll give it a go. There are a couple like it which are used as spare units when the others are in for maintenance - N and M reg Volvo 380 FHs.
The worrying part is that they also have sloppy 5th wheels anyway, which makes things twitch when you set off … there’s nothing like a loaded fridge on it’s knees !

If you search some back posts you will see that Ady asked a similar question a while ago and someone posted photos of the locating hole etc.

Check this out mate. It may help.

Thanks for the link to the old posts. I ddi try searching first but didn’t find that one. Yes, that’s the type I had but without a hole for the clip. There was a hole in a useless position behind the handle so perhaps in future I’ll clip it on just so any beady eyes can see it attached to something!

I would have asked the shunter to show me, then when he couldnt find it, i would have told him to mind his own ■■■■■■ business in future! :open_mouth: