5 years on


Good post - I suspect that getting on the ladder was a bit easier pre recession ?

This makes me more confident I have my class 1 but I’m only 21 and haven’t driven one since I was 18, I’ve landed a job with a european haulage company starting on 7 n halfs & vans until I feel comfortable to climb up the classes… I could get in an artic and drive it forwards its just the reversing I would be to nervous at the moment to do lol.

I enjoyed reading that, its nice to hear that you a doing a job that you really enjoy in my opinion you cannot beat driving for a living, especially if you are on for a good company that leaves you alone to do the job. Hope you enjoy the next 5 years and many more.

I suspect that getting on the ladder was a bit easier pre recession ?

It probably was a bit easier 5 years ago, I was offered a couple of jobs on class 2 by companies I worked on for the Agencies even though I had only just passed my test. There is always something going against you though, at the time the economy was doing well so there were lots of Europeans here looking for work. In the reccession you dont have so many europeans as competion but probably have more british drivers as competition.

The sickener was when I applied to Tesco’s for Class 1 work just after passing my test, the very same day I got a letter turning me down for an interview, the local paper said that the same tesco depot were having to take on 40 European drivers due to the UK driver shortage.

Thats not a dig at foreign drivers, I have no problems with them at all (in fact I hope to be one myself at some point :smiley: ), just the way it was at the time.

excellent post joeyd,glad you are doing what you want now mate and i think you hit the nail on the head about where you started off and where you are now.It is a lesson and good advice to all newbies on here.Well done mate

Hi joeyd,

Welcome back, and please don’t leave it so long next time!! :smiley:

I couldn’t agree more with ROG, Williams9881, Big Brummie Macca and ruddio.

What an excellent post, and all credit to you for your perseverance!! :smiley:

Cheers Gents

I thought I would post my experience because you do hear a lot of moaning about the job (and i’m as guilty as anyone else) but to someone just starting out it must be a bit of a downer when they listen / read it all. On the other side of the coin though I realise people shouldn’t go into it thinking it is all rosy, but despite all the moans it is still a great job

nice to have you back with a very good read and some of the good point to the industry

hope you are goin to stay with us this time