4th time out in a bendy

alright guys,
it was my 4th time out in a bendy yesterday .had a phone call from the agency for a 930am start so i was there for 915 raring to go . got handed my paperwork to find i had to drops to make up in the highlands of scotland.

went out and found my unit for the day,did all my daily checks and proceede to find my trailer. it turns out it was a 44 foot fridge with a tri axle.this was going to be first,never been out in a tri axle before.

well iproceeded to couple up to my trailer with no problems,jumped out the cab to check brake then connect my lines and it was then i noticed how little room there was between unit and trailer. after much difficulty squeezing between unit and trailer i finally got everything conected and realised how dirty i was .

that was me ready to depart now .for the first 2 hours of driving the sun was shining and i was enjoying the scenery when all of a sudden it started to snow :frowning: .my hands were starting to get sweaty now,iv never driven a truck in snow before and suddenly i was getting horrible visions of jack knifed artics.anyway,i stayed calm and concentrated and hoped it wouldnt come to much,which it didnt.

after a further 2 hours of driving i arrived at my ist drop,i only had 3 pallets to offload and i knew my main drop was only 5 minutes round the corner so i parked up and had my 45 before sourcing the staff to assist with getting my 16 pallets tipped.

got tipped into 50 minutes and that was me off on my retrurn journey now .everything went like clock work driving home.got back to depot,got my unit fuelled up,parked my trailer up,signed off my taco,paperwork handed in and that was me back home in the house for 2035.apart from being totally knackerd i had a thoroughly enjoyable day and cant wait for my next chance out in an artic. :smiley:

Well done milkman. Glad you enjoyed it. My first day last week was in a tri-axle firdge unit - fortunately the 5th wheel was well back so there was some room to do the suzies!!! I loved it too, a nice trunk run, drop the trailer and return with another. It was a 12 speed semi-auto Scania - nice. Out again tomorrow on the same run, start at 11:30, hopefully back late evening, but I’m paid by the hour so couldn’t give a toss if it takes longer :slight_smile:

well done mate, glad you enjoyed it.,its always nerve racking driving something new but you did brilliant!

my unit was just a 4x2 so the 5th wheel was fixed,iv read about guys coupling airlined before they back under trailer and connect to 5th wheel.there was now way i was trying that so i just struggled and got very dirty as a result .

i definetly noticed a diffirence with having a 44footer as opposed to a 40 foot .the main the thing i found easier was reversing it.

my unit was just a 4x2 so the 5th wheel was fixed,iv read about guys coupling airlined before they back under trailer and connect to 5th wheel.there was now way i was trying that so i just struggled and got very dirty as a result .

i definetly noticed a diffirence with having a 44footer as opposed to a 40 foot .the main the thing i found easier was reversing it.

it’s very simple to do milkman, once your 5th wheel is under the trailer place handbrake on and make sure your out of gear.get out and put the trailer brake on then proceed to connect unit to trailer.once you have connected get back in cab select revearse gear and listen for the lever springing forward.then select 1st gear and try and pull forward to confirm unit and trailer are connected.once it has place dog clip in,lift legs up and release your trailer brake pull forward attach number plate close the doors and your sorted.you can also check all lights whilst doing this.good luck :wink:

cheers for the advice kitkat.here is hoping i will get another chance soon to put it into practice

Well done milkman and a excellent read and am glad you
are enjoying your work :smiley: . well done to you Also JayHoe :smiley: .