48 hrs for rtd

i tramp all week and to be honest i don’t give much thought for the rtd, as long as my driving hours and duty times are correct as far as the rest goes who gives a monkies, our office don’t seem to worry so why should i.

so i thought to myself lets see what i am actually doing(in a moment of madness), am i compliant or am i miles adrift! now i have been using the truckertimer app on my phone for a while now and as i drive a anologe tacho truck its has been working very well and accurate to boot. so had a look at the report and over the last 17 weeks my average has come back at 48 hrs 38 mins :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

now we are pushed quite hard on here, max hours per week always doing 2x10hr drives and to be honest i don’t much bother with POA’S just breaks and leave the thing on other work,

so if i have managed that average without even thinking about it, what is the point of it!? i am still doing the same work now, and to be honest possibly more than before it was introduced, it hasn’t done anything to reduce my working week or the time i spend at work. The only thing i can see its given me more to worry about.

what are others views on this because mine is ITS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Of course its mainly a waste of time etc - the EU had a good idea of a max 48 hours SHIFT time but the UK objected so its a max average of 48 hours WORK time - at least thats the way I understand how it went

The only good thing was the break for 6 hours of work because before that a driver could legally work non stop for 15 hours if they only did say 4 hours of actual driving in that time = daft and unrealistic but legal

IMO they should have added the max 6 hour rule to the tacho regs = job sorted

I do wonder how many EU states actually check and enforce the RTD ?

so is the rtd different to the wtd then?

so is the rtd different to the wtd then?

rtd covers mobile workers. wtd covers everyone else. there are opt outs in the wtd which we mobile workers do not get :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: