45min break - solved by Lonewolf (the master)

where did I take a break ?

Small clue…its a B road but where and what number?

Looks more like a Lay bye :confused:

yeah i know Suedehead it does look like it but its definately a B road,

Clue 2… 300 yards behind me is an Animal Feed plant and a couple of miles behind is a Quarry.

is the m62 to your right ?

No daf3300 M62 definately not to my right, or left for that matter. !

Nowhere near M62 sorry

took a few more photos from the same place yesterday …


Couple more clues…

The nearby A road has a 32’ length limit at its SE end

Most of the signs are bi-lingual

Argh, got this feeling I should know this one.

Is there a truckstop just down the road, and is it a bocm place?

sorry darkseeker,

no truckstop nearby and its not BOCM

The feed place belongs to a local farmers company (as in NorthWest farmers is in the NW and Cornwall farmers is in Cornwall…its neither of them though)

this has gone on too long …heres some clues…

This B road goes to a village whose name is made up of the first 3 letters of the following two peoples names…

Geordie character from “Auf Wiedersein Pet”


first name of one of Morecambe & Wise.

Its near to a town you might wear if its cold

Oh bugger I thought I’d answered this one… B4582, Pembrokeshire.

PS: The A487 doesn’t have a SE end.

Well done Lonewolf it is the B4582

Youre right its the SW end not SE…knew I should have chucked that compass from last years cracker, and kept the one from my shoe when i was a kid