45 hours weekly rest

Maybe one for ROG here. What’s the logic behind 45 hours weekly rest? Why not 48 to make it a full 2 days. Why drop the 3 hours off 2 full days to make it 45?

Because it’s their policy to maintain a hotchpotch cluster ■■■■ system rather than keep things simple.
Sorry I can’t be any help .

Because it’s their policy to maintain a hotchpotch cluster [zb] system rather than keep things simple.

This ^^^

A drivers weekend is different from everyone else’s. Like a bakers dozen but you get less instead of more!

Because it’s their policy to maintain a hotchpotch cluster [zb] system rather than keep things simple.
Sorry I can’t be any help .

It means they can get 3 hours more work out of you. It’ll be some compromise, no doubt there were groups lobbying for 36hours or less, and with many of these things they were no doubt backed up by our ministers.

Rules designed by committee. Whenever a committee convenes it consists of barely qualified members who without fail all have vested interests which will invariably be at odds with what the people who actually do the jobs want or need.

Maybe it’s for when they’ve wrung everything out of you all week and planned you too tight on Friday, you can roll in on Saturday morning and still start nice and early on Monday!

So these rules that we have to keep to so strictly have no logical or scientific reason as to why, they are just numbers probably picked out of thin air by people who have no idea and then we get fined if we break them.

So these rules that we have to keep to so strictly have no logical or scientific reason as to why, they are just numbers probably picked out of thin air by people who have no idea and then we get fined if we break them.

If you want to know how much logic is involved in the writing of the EU regulations consider this, you can legally work your nuts off for 1.5 hours then immediately drive for 4.5 hours, but you cannot drive for 4.5 hours then legally do even 5 minutes work pushing a pen :smiley:

And who was the Muppet that dreamed up catching up with weekly rest compensation at the end of the third week .
And double manning rules, one hour allowed to pick up second driver .

Reductions in daily/weekly rest are entirely to accommodate the employers, I can remember when 12 1/2 hours was the maximum spreadover for daily duty and anyone working even 15 mins over that time was a “danger to the public” and was treated as a criminal, fined and had his licence revoked, now we are superhuman and can work a 15hr spreadover and are still safe to drive even though there is far more stress in the job nowadays, also years ago a driver had to have a minimum of 11 hrs daily rest now it’s 9hrs. In my opinion the laws should be simplified 12 hrs on 12 hrs off, minimum 36hrs off away from home 48 hrs off at home, sorted.