44 ton tractor upto STG2?

Has anybody upgraded a 44t scania tractor unit to stg2?

Can this be done even :question:

depends what manufacturer’s plate says and/or what scania will give it under STGO regs - any 3 axle scania should get 65te gross without modification, even midlifts, although obviously you wouldn’t want a sad excuse for a STGO vehicle with a faggotty midlift axle :wink: :laughing:

east to do, leave eveything standard on 44ton scania, change the plate put the right road tax on and away you go,used to run my 420 upto 60 ton regulary, it was just a bog standard midlift

Where can you get info on STGO regs, I’ve looked at VOSA etc on the web but can’t find anything much about it all.

depends what manufacturer’s plate says and/or what scania will give it under STGO regs - any 3 axle scania should get 65te gross without modification, even midlifts, although obviously you wouldn’t want a sad excuse for a STGO vehicle with a faggotty midlift axle :wink: :laughing:

Tee hee :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Where can you get info on STGO regs, I’ve looked at VOSA etc on the web but can’t find anything much about it all.

what do you want to know ?

Category 1: Maximum weight up to 50,000kgs - Axle weights restricted to Authorised weight limits

Category 2: Maximum weight up to 80,000kgs - Axle weights no more than 12,500kgs

Category 3: Maximum weight up to 150,000kgs - Axle weights no more than 16,500kgs

Dimensions over which Police notification is required: Width 3m and Rigid Length 18.75m and Gross Weight 80,000kgs
Maximum Weights before Road and Bridge authority require notifications:

Motor vehicle or Trailer over 44,000kgs
Axle or group of axles over limit imposed by authorised weight limits

Maximum Dimensions for STGO:
Width 6.1m, Length 30m and Gross Weight 150,000kgs

if you need more have a look on here
dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/dr … ons?page=1

OK I didn’t think of the D.O.T.

I’ll know where to hunt for answers if it becomes relevant.