£400 lost in mins

In case you’re not just a troll… How come you’re still employed? You’re a walking liability

Because he works for a big company and big companies are that desperate for bums on seats that his particular brand of lunacy ranks only slightly above average when compared to some of the other liabilities they employ.

Never happened. Card in and crack on, no one in their right mind would of gone home without working. If he gets a pull he’ll still have a £100 fine to pay so might as well do the shift and get paid

… Sod getting up at 2am going to the yard then back home again…just wing it… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sod getting up at 2am!! :open_mouth:

Complete and utter tosh yet again, you allegedly are a professional driver, so would of know you did 3x15 … you would of merely waited the few extra …
-5/10 for trolling,

That would be gutting thing to do.

But will vosa stil not pick up on it either way now?

“We’re desperate for drivers holding a truck licence. It’s for an outfit called Vosa. They want you to pull over and check people’s digicards over the Christmas Holiday season, and issue fines to those that don’t measure up to the strict EU guidelines that we should have ditched 18 months ago, but are still obliged to enforce to the letter. There’s a bonus if you can rake in more than £50k over the season.”

“Sorry bud, I don’t do nights out”.


Harry Monk:
The obvious answer here would have been to have said “■■■■■■■■ to the tachograph” and kept your fingers crossed that you weren’t stopped by the VOSA in the next couple of months. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadly Harry the days of Tacho frisbee have gone bad ones out the truck window, bending the pen, fill one, chuck it out the window, turn up a corner so it sadly would not record and you filled it in by hand lying through your back teeth, just do a bit of winding and slip another in