4 year old DAF 65 or 5 year old MAN or VOLVO FL6

Hi Guys

In process of buying several rigids 3 to be precise to hack about… I would be grateful to see who would choose what. Generally My trucks dont do long distance max 1.5hours run, on a motorway…medium load. Then sit there ticking over for 6 hours :frowning: running a DVD player…

4 year old DAF 65
5 Year old MAN
5 Year old VOLVO FL6

All rigids…

PS if anyone has any to sell…PM me…

4 year old DAF 65

that would do it for me :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


definitley got to be the DAF :laughing: :laughing:

I’d go with the DAF…as long as you don’t go too far and the roads are smooth. :wink: Otherwise the Volvo. Never driven an MAN.

the dafs are a good motor although parts aren’t as cheap as you might think they would be, on the other hand fl6’s are brilliant on fuel. i personally would go with daf simply because theres a parts place near me thats 24/7 which has been bang handy at times. try CRS commercials at swandlincote derby tel 01283 220203 they’ve allways got plenty of daf rigids in and would probably have a deal if your buying three.

Well Its seems that the DAF’s have it. I must admit to liking the DAF’s too.

For three used motors I hope they would have a deal…Thanks for the tip about CRS…Ill try em