Does anyone so this kind of shift pattern. How do you find it. What rate of pay should I expect.
I used to do it, couldn’t stand it, pay is irregular some weeks, work a lot of weekends, not good, never beat 5 on 2 off or 4 on 3 off!
I worked 4 on 4 off for nearly five years with N R Evans. We were salaried, so every payslip was the same amount, apart from O/T, Bank Hols, etc.
You do end up working a lot of weekends and Bank Hols, which I didn’t mind, but the flip side is you get your days off during the week when everyone else is stuck at work, so swings and roundabouts.
I enjoyed the variety of it and would recommend it as a working pattern.
You do end up working a lot of weekends and Bank Hols
iirc you end up all or part of any 5 weekends out of 8.
ie: work tues, weds, thurs, fri, have sat, sun, mon, tues off
Work weds, thurs, fri, sat, have sun, mon, tues, weds off
Work thurs, fri, sat, sun, have mon, tues, weds,thurs off
Etc etc…
4 on 4 off is fine, but only if those around you (family/friends) work similar patterns.
As there’s no point having time off when they are working, as you could find yourself on your 4 days off and the missus and your mates are at work and vice versa. At the time I did 4/4 I found it killed my social life
Wife is a dinner lady so that’s not an issue. Been offered £12 an hour. To do it.
best shifts pattern i have ever worked and i dont get the you work loads of weekends as this is offset by you also only work 6 months of the year?
8 days holiday gives you 18 days off!
yes its ■■■■ when you are on the thur fri sat sun, fri sat sun mon, sat sun mon tue, part but great when its the mon tue wed thur bit.
at the end of the day if your partner etc works mon to fri then its probably not the best but i personally loved it.
best shifts pattern i have ever worked and i dont get the you work loads of weekends as this is offset by you also only work 6 months of the year?8 days holiday gives you 18 days off!
yes its [zb] when you are on the thur fri sat sun, fri sat sun mon, sat sun mon tue, part but great when its the mon tue wed thur bit.
at the end of the day if your partner etc works mon to fri then its probably not the best but i personally loved it.
8 days holiday gives you 20 days off.
4 days holiday gives you 12 days off.
all depend from you.if you start work 4 over 4 first 1-2 month you will be very happy.but after■■?4 off it is to long for standart life,but good for holiday,travel or if you want do some part time job or big hobbi.i work 4 over 4 but i can easy booked 2 extra working day.everythink have plus and minus
best shifts pattern i have ever worked and i dont get the you work loads of weekends as this is offset by you also only work 6 months of the year?8 days holiday gives you 18 days off!
yes its [zb] when you are on the thur fri sat sun, fri sat sun mon, sat sun mon tue, part but great when its the mon tue wed thur bit.
at the end of the day if your partner etc works mon to fri then its probably not the best but i personally loved it.
8 days holiday gives you 20 days off.
4 days holiday gives you 12 days off.
oh yeah