Since completing a monster 15 hours assessment 2 weeks ago and 2 jobs last weekend - bob tail to Oakthorpe in London to pick up an empty tanker, then next day take an empty tanker to Ashby to then fill with cream - I’ve been asked today to go to Oakthorpe again on Friday evening, can’t wait
I must admit I am loving the experience gathering, and it is all adding up for when I get out if the Army in 674 days
I love being on the road just as much as I thought, and getting this experience after passing C+E only a month ago is priceless.
Think I might just go out and get myself a trucker kettle, lol
Good experience…backing in at Oakthorp especially! Did it for a while but struggled with the weird hours (especially the 2.30 am starts) and the 15 hour days. The Ashby run is good unless you end up hanging around Westbury for hours. Let us know how you get on!
Hi Mac12, At the moment it’s all fine as I’m doing civvie courses for resettlement and not actually working. But when back at work I’ll have to do just Sundays, or indeed miss out driving depending on what sort of week it has been.
Kvin, the hours were a bit strange last weekend but to be honest it makes no odds what time of day it is as the Army like you to work whatever suits them
Went to Oakthorpe with 27000 ltrs of milk. On the way I did get stuck in a bit of Stonehenge and M25 traffic but not too emotional… I did however have a bit of a moment when I thought I could be a bit of a smart ar$e and go via Stonehenge to get around the A303 stall. This however ended up with me and another firm’s tanker doing a U turn in the Stonehenge car park… Really should of remembered they had closed the Shrewton road
After going through Larkhill I still managed to get ahead even if it w only about 10 mins.
I got to Oakthorpe after a 4 hour journey - this is normally a 3 hour trip! Just to compound time issues There was a massive delay for everyone there as a certain member of staff was the slowest person since reversing snails in glue was found to be funny
Well after a couple of hours it was my turn to get into a bay… With the help of a couple of veteran drivers I got into bay 6 after the fourth attempt…I worked up a bit of a sweat I don’t mind telling you. But as a brand new artic driver I also don’t mind telling you that I very much appreciated the help and top tips that these experienced drivers gave freely without any of that sniggering and looking down of noses that you too often hear about.
Another two hours later it was then time to get myself up to Hatfield Perival to drop of the empty and pick up a full cream tanker. I went via the North circular to the A12 then straight up to junc. 20a. Quickly did the switch then after all the checks and security tags were in place started to make my way back to Westbury.
Got to Westbury at 0715 hrs, dropped the Tanker off and then got back to the new transport yard in Westbury just in time to do my last parade checks and log out for the 15 hrs rule.
Ashamedly I didn’t have time to refuel which is something I detest doing… I’ve been on the receiving side of un-fuelled wagons before and it’s something I have a pet hate about.
But all in all a great night out with some useful experiences and a new found respect for those that know more. I hope that one day I can give that kind of help to new drivers when I get more experience.
But all in all a great night out with some useful experiences and a new found respect for those that know more. I hope that one day I can give that kind of help to new drivers when I get more experience.
Nice one arn1e!
Great to see you enjoying it, and I’m sure it won’t be too long before you are indeed passing on wise words to those newbies in the future. Keep it up mate!