360 visibility

Our lot have just implimented this , it’s a fancy logistical term for having your high vis fastened at all times :unamused: I have pointed out to them that if your stood with your arms by your side and youve got dark clothing on , how can it be 360 visibility :question: or is that me being pedantic :laughing:

Asda have had this rule for a few years.

Another joke to keep the H&S bloke in work for another 6 months while it’s “implemented” then “monitored” after this he brings in another pedantic rule to justify his job…
If you read through the HSE rules they ain’t too bad and would keep us safe without it been silly…
It’s firms making there own bits of Health & safety up that are a joke and annoy me…
Once told to stand in the “safe”area at a place while tipping,it was raining so I refused…
Got told “it’s health & safety mate” so I said how is me getting wet through good for my health?? He couldn’t answer and I got to sit I’m my cab :smiley: .

I’m not even sure it’s the company at fault here, it’s society in general and this compensation culture we seem to have developed.
While there are ‘no win no fee’ solicitors hovering around to prove that an accident could have been avoided then we’ll get even more of this.

You’re at work, not a fashion parade. :slight_smile:

I’m not even sure it’s the company at fault here, it’s society in general and this compensation culture we seem to have developed.
While there are ‘no win no fee’ solicitors hovering around to prove that an accident could have been avoided then we’ll get even more of this.


Our place did this two years ago, by the time the instructions filtered down from above the office staff thought they had to wear them in the office.

Took another ■■■ meeting, two memos and phone call before they realised they didn’t.

Can see the reason for it though as a driver on one of our contracts fell onto his back in a dark yard and his mate drove over his head in the shunter. This is the story they use but I can’t find a link to it so possible bollox. Over the years this same story has evolved to the point the drivers hi-viz vest fell off and did a runner during the fall.

When this was implemented all the Fatty Mcfatfork drivers had to get a new bigger size hi-viz. The salad dodgers where not happy at all.
Must of cost a fortune to order all the ‘Mr Creosote’ size ones.

yorkshire terrier:
If you read through the HSE rules they ain’t too bad and would keep us safe without it been silly…

I had a long discussion with an H&S consultant for the company I was working for a few years ago about storage, handling and transportation of fuel.
He seemed to want to over complicate the whole thing, despite me setting out a system based on guidelines and advice from the HSE, Fire Brigade and a DGSA (dieseldave)

I showed him all this in writing and he was still insistent that we do more at further cost to the company. I think it was more about him justifying his job than any problems with the system we had.

I’m not even sure it’s the company at fault here, it’s society in general and this compensation culture we seem to have developed.
While there are ‘no win no fee’ solicitors hovering around to prove that an accident could have been avoided then we’ll get even more of this.

While the risk of being sued for H&S breaches does focus companies on the subject, which isn’t a bad thing with some places, it’s a double edged sword, as some of the claims that go in for “accidents” at work, you’ll see why companies seem to implement stupid rules that treat everybody like they’re an idiot.
They normally seem to involve the claimants being injured through their own stupidity and even breaching company rules and even if they don’t get very far, it still means the company has to spend time and money.

My take on a lot of the horlicks about Hi Viz is ,it doesn’t matter if you’re wearing strobe lights and sirens if people don’t look they will never see you .
The one that stands out at many places is the one who is not wearing hi viz .
Also at many places all thoughts of health and safety goes out of the window as soon as it’s shift change . Safe areas , pedestrian walkways and safe driving dissappear.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Asda have had the 360’ policy for several years

It’s funny how quickly former SAS shunters can spot you though when you don’t have one on :unamused:

Our lot have just implimented this , it’s a fancy logistical term for having your high vis fastened at all times :unamused: I have pointed out to them that if your stood with your arms by your side and youve got dark clothing on , how can it be 360 visibility :question: or is that me being pedantic :laughing:

Careful now…the next thing you know your vest will be replaced with a sleeved Hi-Viz jacket and matching pants…and your mates will all blame you :smiley:

It’s funny how quickly former SAS shunters can spot you though when you don’t have one on :unamused:

Agreed. I feel way more visible without one.


Our lot have just implimented this , it’s a fancy logistical term for having your high vis fastened at all times :unamused: I have pointed out to them that if your stood with your arms by your side and youve got dark clothing on , how can it be 360 visibility :question: or is that me being pedantic :laughing:

Careful now…the next thing you know your vest will be replaced with a sleeved Hi-Viz jacket and matching pants…and your mates will all blame you :smiley:

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did :laughing: I get blamed for most things anyway so it’s water off a ducks back now :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a serious problem with my eyesight, I can actually see people if they are not wearing a hi-viz. I must have some really bad medical problem with my eyes or i,m supernatural. :open_mouth: And to top it all off im a shunter as well. Oops what was that bump. :laughing: