3 RD Try on Saturday


I am also wishing you all the best on your C+E test! I’m sure you’ll be fine mate. :sunglasses:

Yup, it should be all done and dusted now, wish the lad well.

Nope yet again a Fail :cry: but i have got used to hearing that now lol so i dont feel as bad as last time .
Roundabout again Silly but i have a major phobia now im afraid :angry: Paul worked realy hard with me yester day and got me sorted i drove crap yesterday as well even he even got me in the right lane on the dreaded A58 roundabout I dont know how he kept his cool . then today it all fell together the hr before my test the test went fine all the way even ran a red light but was past point of no return so even that didnt panic me was only when I saw the roundabout did the panic start managed the right lane but then a car undertook me and i didnt act on it so got a D on change of direction a few minors toted up on mirrors .
So ive booked 1 hr and a test ASAP with Paul … I am not givin up ever now but i have a new stratagy now when i see that Roundabout comming im gonna Knock the examiner out then when he wakes up say did you passout mate with the shock of me getting it right we better get back to Atherton now you dont look at all well lol :laughing: :laughing:
Ahh well put it all behind me lesson learned … :laughing: at least this time i have a good trainer who did his best …

regards Roy

Nope yet again a Fail :cry: but i have got used to hearing that now lol so i dont feel as bad as last time .
Roundabout again Silly but i have a major phobia now im afraid :angry: Paul worked realy hard with me yester day and got me sorted i drove crap yesterday as well even he even got me in the right lane on the dreaded A58 roundabout I dont know how he kept his cool . then today it all fell together the hr before my test the test went fine all the way even ran a red light but was past point of no return so even that didnt panic me was only when I saw the roundabout did the panic start managed the right lane but then a car undertook me and i didnt act on it so got a D on change of direction a few minors toted up on mirrors .
So ive booked 1 hr and a test ASAP with Paul … I am not givin up ever now but i have a new stratagy now when i see that Roundabout comming im gonna Knock the examiner out then when he wakes up say did you passout mate with the shock of me getting it right we better get back to Atherton now you dont look at all well lol :laughing: :laughing:
Ahh well put it all behind me lesson learned … :laughing: at least this time i have a good trainer who did his best …

regards Roy

At least you can laugh about it :slight_smile:

I know how it feels hearing it over and over again.

Gutted for you but at least you not giving up.

Best of luck for next time

Bad Luck YAMBOL, Really feel for ya, like a few of us, been there, got the poxy Tshirt, :imp: :wink: :slight_smile: wish you all the best for next time

I am SO gutted for you mate.

I know that roundabout like the back of my hand. I have been driving it every way for the past 10 years.

If you like, I can meet you in atherton 2morra and we can drive through it for half an hour together and I’ll show you the DSA ways through it.

Might boost your confidence for the next attempt, but they may not take you on it next time. You might get the dreaded Kearsley roundabout off St. Peter’s Way. “Follow the signs for Preston”. Means at the roundabout turn right third exit signposted Farnworth (and Preston). Then you have to negotiate some STUPID local authorty hatch markings and lane discipline signs which are CRAZY and totally counter intuitive until you pass through the new Tesco junction (MAD layout) and get to the mini roundabout when you can start to drive as your common sense tells you.

I can drive you through that area as well if you like mate (only in a car of course, but it might take the pressure off you for your next test)


Gutted for you mate but at least you’re laughing, keep up the good spirit and everything crossed for next time, get it booked asap.

Thanks Guys I have to laugh realy not much choice eh :smiley: im definatly not giving up now i have a vendeta with Atherton and its stinking roundabouts now ha wish i had a steam roller i would flaten the lot .
Landylad Hiya mate I bet your ears were burning this mornin at 9am roy and paul send there regards I will take you up on that offer if thats ok but can we do it a bit nearer my re test date ( il pm you when Paul get my new dat ) :smiley: if thats ok . thanks … its a pitty we cant just download all the test routes but they stopped that .
I cant even remember the test route to be totaly honest all the other roundabouts where fine and i must have gone round at least 10 of em even the big one at the m61 bottom of hunger hill and that can be a pain even in a car but the two main ones are ( On A6 turn right for chorley signpost) and A58 horrich or westhoughton i think … :smiley: LOL if it carries on like this Paul will have to help me in and out of the cab as I Will be an 70 yr old man and still trying to get through the dreaded CE test BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP EVER :smiley: :smiley: .

Feel for you mate, you will be at the stage now where being more afraid of failing will be more in your mind than taking the test. Most of us have been there mate and until you have experianced this is it very hard to understand what goes wrong on the test. Keep at it mate your day will come. :wink:

aww mate absolutly gutted for you , i know how it feels but when you pass it will be all the more sweeter as you have worked so hard for it , try not to think about past fails when you retake you will get there ,


Hiya Yamb.

Yes thats fine with me buddy.

Just give me a couple of days notice.

See you soon I hope.



Mate, I am also gutted for you! :frowning:

I know exactly how you feel as I have very recently been in that exact same situation and heard those dreaded words, “I’m sorry, but…” on more than one occaision! :frowning: It really is one of the crappiest things, but you have the right attitude in that you aren’t going to give up, and that is good. :slight_smile: I was exactly the same, in that I wasn’t going to give up. Well, after spending over a grand I couldn’t really afford to! :confused:

Anyway, hopefully with the very kind help of LandyLad and your excellent trainer, you will overcome the roundabout situation you seem to be getting worked up about. Then once you feel better in that situation, you should fly through. It is only a matter of time, so keep at it.

Good Luck for the next one mate! :sunglasses:

Well guys
Ive even considered hypnosis now I have this Phobia now and pannic as soon as i know im comming to a new roundabout (gotta get this right gotta get tis right ) the problem started when my last trainer shouted and balled at me on the roundabout in stead of explaining the lanes as he should have done :angry: i was fine before that … ok I may have been going for the wrong exit road but not in a pannic … (I think sam posted a vidio of a bad trainer on a roundabout shouting and screeming at some one )) well mine was a similar situation but worse … :angry: the shock of him shouting balling made me pannic .in fact anyone who knows that roundabout if you look on the grass verge you will see two tyre ruts running up were the same trainer had to have his truck towed out after it ended up there with another poor student behind the wheel (i wounder why). And although Paul has been great and explains things well even he cant make this go away now … I just wish i would have been with Paul to train for the full course …including my ridgid class 2 … as I am sure that i would have been through my C and my CE a lot faster and also i would have been more confident on my test … The LVP grant from JCP was a totaly wasted on the trainer in Farnwoth bolton that they sent me with aprox £4,000 in total .Ive sat and worked out that if they had let me have Paul from the start as a trainer from day one it would have cost about £2.500 EVEN WITH THE RE -tests (if i would have neaded them which i doubt)
ITS BEEN SAID MANY MANY TIMES ON HERE THAT YOU MUST HAVE A TRAINER THAT YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH ITS TRUE :cry: … So in actual fact now Paul has had to work twice as hard with me as he would if I had gone with him from day one …FACT :frowning:
If anyone wants to know who NOT to go with in Bolton PM me I wont name and shame on here for legal reasons ( not my own but the sites ) or i would :smiley:
Thanks for all the morral support guys
Regards ROY

that’s exactly what happened to me when first learning reversing exercise by the time the week was up I was completely knackered confidence wise and it took a very good trainer to sort me out and give me back the confidence that had been knocked out of me , maybe these guys have a very domineering wife at home so need to try an be a man when at work I’d never put up with anyone shouting at me like that normally not in the real world but put up with it whilst shedding out loads of money don’t make sense ,
This new trainer will sort you out I’m sure and the confidence will come back you know you can do it , it’s just some knob that has affected you just imagine him at home taking all the ■■■■ he threw at you going yes dear no dear should put a smile back on your face
Chin up :wink:

bad times, keep the chin up, i kind off know what your going through as I failed mine at first, u’ll get there, keep believing :slight_smile:


we will sort out the roundabouts together. I promise you!!!

by the time we have finished with them, you will be so fed up with them that you wont worry anymore.

ps, I think you should try hypnotising the examiner, not yourself. Get a quote for a hypnotist to accompany you on test, it might be worth a try.


ITS BEEN SAID MANY MANY TIMES ON HERE THAT YOU MUST HAVE A TRAINER THAT YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH ITS TRUE … So in actual fact now Paul has had to work twice as hard with me as he would if I had gone with him from day one …FACT

This is the complete truth. I dont know Paul personally but many here have sung his praises and that is the sign of a proper trainer. One you know has given value for your cash.

This is a classic example of why there are so many posts on here saying have a few assessments and make certain that you are comfortable with the company, the vehicle, but most importantly the trainer.

A trainer that screams and shouts is basically 1 of 2 things

  1. Completely fed up with the training game and wishing he was somewhere else
  2. lacks the knowledge and ability to transfer his skill (word used loosely) to the candidate

Keep the faith, you will pass. I would guess that you have the technical abilty to pass but perhaps not the correct frame of mind. By the sound of it, your new trainer will put that right.

Good Luck

I suppose im lucky realy that the wife has the sense to save money :smiley: or should i say hide it from me :blush: otherwise i would have to be saving up for a couple of months again … :unamused: anyway this friday im taking my Moffet and upgrading my Hiab to remote :smiley: so that wil lbe an extra couple of scills to go on the C/V that only leaves me the CE to get and I may do ADR later in the year . :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .

Keep at it mate. You are so close now!

Good Luck! :sunglasses: