3 bits of newbie advice in one shift

Hi all,

Just a few things that happened today so i thought I’d share them on here. I currently deliver pallets/multi drop so it may or may not be relevant to your role.

  1. If delivering to a shop and you have to park on the road, e.g in the spaces that say no return within an hour or whatever, if like me this morning I had to wait for the shop to open, drop your tail lift and open it out (if you have one!). That way people can’t park directly behind you while your waiting, and it gives you space if you need to back up if a car is parked in front.

  2. Beware dustman day! And like today if it’s really windy the stupid little recycling bins get blown in the road,

  3. And lastly, stand your ground when delivering to building sites/ new build estates etc. What I mean is you don’t get much space to manoeuvre, so when the cocky sod on the ‘mini’ earthmover says "yeah mate, you’ll get through there, Loads a’ room. Don’t take his word for it, get out and assess it for yourself. Remember he ain’t driving it - YOU are!

Feel free to add to this or comment, hope it helps someone. Stay safe out there :grimacing:


when delivering to a shop in the city centre, Google is your friend. Get the shops number, ring them and ask if they have a service yard, the addresses your given will always be the front door.

All sounds good. A few years ago I worked for a builders merchant. Vehicle needed a forklift to unload, the wise guy on site said he was too busy could I not carry it all ‘over there’ said no and started unloading where I was, he soon came and lifted it all off in one easy manoeuvre!

carry a spare roll of pallet wrap with you, it can be a real time saver.

All sounds good. A few years ago I worked for a builders merchant. Vehicle needed a forklift to unload, the wise guy on site said he was too busy could I not carry it all ‘over there’ said no and started unloading where I was, he soon came and lifted it all off in one easy manoeuvre!

. :grimacing:

carry a spare roll of pallet wrap with you, it can be a real time saver.

. I agree, you get quite a few pallets that get knocked about on their trunking travels before you get to deliver them, if you can repair some of the damage with wrap or tape it can only be a good thing!

Dan Bear 87:

All sounds good. A few years ago I worked for a builders merchant. Vehicle needed a forklift to unload, the wise guy on site said he was too busy could I not carry it all ‘over there’ said no and started unloading where I was, he soon came and lifted it all off in one easy manoeuvre!

. :grimacing:

carry a spare roll of pallet wrap with you, it can be a real time saver.

. I agree, you get quite a few pallets that get knocked about on their trunking travels before you get to deliver them, if you can repair some of the damage with wrap or tape it can only be a good thing!


As a loader I can say 90% of us don’t give a crap if the pallet is ■■■■■ as long as it is in the back of the truck seeing as we don’t have to deliver it.

I mite as well add some more - On dual carriageway if you see a bit of shredded tyre in your lane, or lane 2 then there’ll more than likely be a blowout ahead, so be aware :open_mouth:

I have to get multiple signatures a day, paperwork etc. So a good pen is a must, I recommend papermate :slight_smile:

If you rock up to a delivery and have to drive straight in, I.E off the main road or whatever, if you have to back out after don’t be shy in asking for a banksman. Or at least ask someone to watch the road, after all you’ve just done a delivery for them, it’s the least they can do. I know sometimes you just don’t get a choice but if help is available then ask for it, coz it’ll be your luck that you back out into the path of some div who doesn’t want to give way or hasn’t noticed a bloody great metal box backing out with hazard lights flashing :blush:

Then who’s at fault! :open_mouth:

carry a spare roll of pallet wrap with you, it can be a real time saver.

Very handy when the police break down a complete ADR looking pallet you are carrying, saying it’s not limited quantities, when your paperwork says it is! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: