28 years of sun damage to face


Now I don’t feel so bad that we only get about 4 days of sun per year in Bonnie Scotland. :laughing:

It looks like a ‘before and after’ photo. :laughing:

30 odd years of hanging my arm out of the window a la mega trucker stylee has left me with a right arm that has skin as tough as tissue paper. The bruise was caused by one drag of my finger nail to scratch an itch! The healing scab is where the skin tore as I brushed past a stack of pallets. The scar is from when I was in 'Nam.


Protect yourself boys and girls.


Get your boss to buy a couple of left hookers and swap every week :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Get your boss to buy a couple of left hookers and swap every week :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Too expensive a fix for our lot. What I do now to even it out is turn my mirrors around, sit backwards in the seat and drive that way. Hey presto, left arm tan at no extra cost.

Get some derv in that Merc, Maoster!!

No way, I’m proving a point. They’ve taken our fuel cards off us because some numpties were using them to pay for truck washing. So instead of gripping the offenders we all get to suffer. Once it stops it stops! Ball back in their court. :wink:

My gran died from skin cancer so i’ve always got a bottle of sun screen in the cab.

Get your boss to buy a couple of left hookers and swap every week :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

funny enough that is what happened to me ,more than a few years ago…only problem was when I was dkf , :blush: you thought you were on the wrong side o the road !

Been known for Centuries:

POSH: Port Out - Starboard Home !!

I’m sure Raymondo will have been both ways too!!
(Not Both Ways as in Catering/Stewards Dept.)

I guess these faces were damaged by the sun too…

Personally I’ve always believed that photo to be a fake.

Photoshop does marvellous things

Been known for Centuries:

POSH: Port Out - Starboard Home !!

I’m sure Raymondo will have been both ways too!!
(Not Both Ways as in Catering/Stewards Dept.)

A popular folk etymology holds that the term is an acronym for “port out, starboard home”, describing the cooler, north-facing cabins taken by the most aristocratic or rich passengers travelling from Britain to India and back. However, there is no direct evidence for this claim.
Some ole tart had a go at me the other day for mentioning the ship, but on this one my cabin stretches the full width of the accommodation. For some reason the ole man’s cabin was usually on the starboard side, not sure why but just tradition I suppose.

Oh great now in order to stop the right side of my face looking like me scrotum I have to carry sun cream. Me truck looks like a Boots counter as it is what with all the lube creams and ehhhh well just lube creams really.

Personally I’ve always believed that photo to be a fake.

Same here.

I got sunburnt really badly as a 10 year old when we moved to Perth (Oz). Arms were all scabbed up :neutral_face: :neutral_face: etc. Most of sunburn happened at school playing sports. Now it’s the other extreme - always cold!

Dipper, how do you get on if you fly out anywhere? What with all those bottles of, err, liquids/potions of yours?!

You can get a face like that from having a stroke too btw… :neutral_face: