25 Years

especially when I have to drive in the UK,which unfortunately is almost every week now.

It just does your head in, doesn’t it? I’ve only done a handful of trips over the water this year and it is driving me round the twist.

If we ran a poll- Which is the best truckstop, Alconbury or Geiselwind (Helmstedt, Eiselbehn etc), I wonder which truckstop would win? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If we ran a poll- Which roads are better, French or English, I wonder which would win? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m going to stop now, because this could go on all day. Of all the countries I have ever driven in, the UK is by far the lousiest for truck drivers.

Shame, innit?


Pat Hasler:
AND I’M NOT AN ‘OLD GIT’ :angry:

ssssshhhhhhhh don’t tell him I said so, but he IS an old git !!! hahahaha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well said kate…i couldnt agree more…but he needs reminding !!
have a nice day

Congratulations Keith, and to all the other old g… erm long serving drivers. :wink: :smiley:

Neil (a beginner having only had a class 1 17 years and driving trucks for 20.)

Here’s a coincidence :slight_smile:

This very day I was being loaded at a company in New Hampshire, once loaded the guy came up with the paperwork,
“I noticed you have a British flag on your truck and a distinctly English accent, so can you answer a question for me ?”
“Fire away” I said.
“Just what is a ‘Git’ ?” he asked :laughing: :laughing: he had seen the word used often on the internet.
“I am” I replied. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Neil (a beginner having only had a class 1 17 years and driving trucks for 20.)

bloody novice
i bet your licence is still wet :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink:

Well I’ll never put in twenty years in as a trucker more’s the pity. I passed my tests earlier this year and at 54 I should retire in 11years. Don’t I wish I done it years ago. May be there should be a place on here for Truckers Tales. We could all do with a laugh.

WEll…Well…fancy that Pat Hasler admitting hes an old git..knew it all along..but dont tell him even kate admits he is one too.. yes maybe we can all tell a story of our life in trucking..mine started in the 60s so i will put pen to paper so to speak and tell you all how it all began and what i had to go through in those golden days…watch this space…
have a nice day

I have just returned from a weekend in the UK.
On Saturday evening I attended a reunion of drivers from the company that I started with back in 1979.
The company was Trans UK Haulage Ltd from Felixstowe,which sadly fell by the wayside in 1981.The boss,Bob Carter was there and he was presented with a lovely painting of one of our old Fiat 619’s driving through the Khyber Pass.
Trans UK were very much involved with M/E work and also to Afghanistan and Pakistan during the 70’s and most of the drivers who attended were old M/E hands who had brought with them a vast collection of photo’s and tales.
The pics of all the Fiat’s,Maggie’s and Volvo’s taken from here to Lahore and Kabul and so on were amazing.

Also there was Nick Garlick and Ashley Coghill to gather info for the M/E book which they are writing,I can’t wait for that to come out.

Two of the pics that the drivers brought along…

This is a very early model F88 (notice the top mounted wipers which were air operated) pic taken out east somewhere.

Couple of Fiat 619’s,an F86 Volvo (which also went to M/E) and a Maggie-Deutz.Pic taken in yard at Felixstowe.
The trucks were all named after Dartmoor ponies,and the tilt trailers were also named.

Fantastic photos…


Been driving big trucks for 16 years and I’m only 37 :frowning: loved it a fews back…but now it’s getting old…all the fun has gone…now I do it because I have to cause it’s all i know. I blame my dad for having his own transport company when I was a nipper…now he is retired and has a house in the south of France and one in India…there’s money in it for sure but you have to take a BIG! risk and go out on your own to make anything out trucking. I aint got the balls to take that kind of risk although I want too…but I’ve seen and heard to many horror storys.


Hey KW that looks like a F88 240 and the turk mafia alongside…i remember seeing that company on its travels…cant mistake the logo ¬you call - we haul…
sadly missed along with all the others…nostalgia at its best…
have a nice day

Congratulations KW on 25 Years on the road.
It’s nice to read when people achieve there childhood
dreams and you have done. I have
also wanted to drive class 1 trucks since I was
very young and hope I can achieve what you and
other drivers have. I am halfway there as I already
have class 2 and hopefully do class 1 sometime this year.
Nice pics KW and like the moto you call - we haul… :smiley: