Can anyone post a URL for a 24v to 12v dropper (cigarette lighter connection)
I have a power supply that plugs into a 12v cig lighter and powers up the laptop. (for anyone interested this was VERY reasonably priced as £14.99 at Maplins and supplies selectable outputs.)
I need a dropper that will plug into a 24v cig. lighter (same diameter = 2cm) giving me a 12v female again.
Think you might struggle to find a larger “Plug in” type, You would most likely have to go for a hard wired version. I think you would struggle to find a laptop that draws more then 8amps, Mine draws less then 3.5 amps.
maybe you’re right.
this is also interesting:
Increase your Laptop Battery Life
Did you know that detaching your main laptop battery from your notebook will increase your laptop’s battery life up to 75%? Our experience and testing have shown that even when you are plugged in with your laptop ac adapter and your battery is fully charged, the laptop will still use the laptop battery resources in small increments. This will put unnecessary charge cycles to your battery. Since typical li-ion laptop batteries have 375 charge cycles, having a fully charged battery inserted will put unnecessary charge cycles. The downside to removing your laptop battery maybe a loss of power when the ac adapter is accidentally unplugged or when there is a power outage.