2014 new truck market analysis

What was hot and what was not in last year’s new truck market…plus some predictions for this year from those in the know.


Blame the pointless Euro 6. My boss wants to replace my tipper but there’re no decent secondhand ones around. Looking at Commercial Motor etc, caned wrecks fit for export are going for silly money, so it looks like an order for a dreaded Euro 6 it it with added purchase costs and extra tare weight. Unless you are prepared to have a flimsy chassis and tipper body, you can forget getting 19t on an 8wheeler nowadays.
Talking of new trucks, does anyone know if a Tridem can gross at 32t? I’ve been asked to look at speccing my new wagon…

Lots of places I bet are holding on to the older Euro 5’s. We run Euro 6 Scanias and they are gutless.

Lots of places I bet are holding on to the older Euro 5’s. We run Euro 6 Scanias and they are gutless.

Really, I’ve drive a euro 6 R440, and I’m well happy with it. Couple off questions, what did you have before, and what Gearbox settings do you have, I’m assuming that its an opticruise.

On My one I have Power/Normal Auto/Economy, it gives me the choice to select the right option or what I think is right option at any given time, though most off the time I drive in Normal Auto. When it first came home it had only Off road setting on the gearbox, which was a waste off time for road work, so it had to be reconfigured, and I insisted that the Power mode was put on there, aswell as anything else.

eddie snax:

Lots of places I bet are holding on to the older Euro 5’s. We run Euro 6 Scanias and they are gutless.

Really, I’ve drive a euro 6 R440, and I’m well happy with it. Couple off questions, what did you have before, and what Gearbox settings do you have, I’m assuming that its an opticruise.

On My one I have Power/Normal Auto/Economy, it gives me the choice to select the right option or what I think is right option at any given time, though most off the time I drive in Normal Auto. When it first came home it had only Off road setting on the gearbox, which was a waste off time for road work, so it had to be reconfigured, and I insisted that the Power mode was put on there, aswell as anything else.

Aye, its one of those zb’y Opticruise nonsense. Makes a good truck into a very bad one. If they put a proper gearbox in it then it would be ok. Once you get going its OK but to start off you need to book an appointment with it.

Its only a rigid with a 320. Its nice inside, a lot nicer than the Renault’s we have as well but they have more grunt and are straight auto.


eddie snax:

Lots of places I bet are holding on to the older Euro 5’s. We run Euro 6 Scanias and they are gutless.

Really, I’ve drive a euro 6 R440, and I’m well happy with it. Couple off questions, what did you have before, and what Gearbox settings do you have, I’m assuming that its an opticruise.

On My one I have Power/Normal Auto/Economy, it gives me the choice to select the right option or what I think is right option at any given time, though most off the time I drive in Normal Auto. When it first came home it had only Off road setting on the gearbox, which was a waste off time for road work, so it had to be reconfigured, and I insisted that the Power mode was put on there, aswell as anything else.

Aye, its one of those zb’y Opticruise nonsense. Makes a good truck into a very bad one. If they put a proper gearbox in it then it would be ok. Once you get going its OK but to start off you need to book an appointment with it.

Its only a rigid with a 320. Its nice inside, a lot nicer than the Renault’s we have as well but they have more grunt and are straight auto.

Well yes, the opticruise isn’t the best on the market, but the new one’s are a lot better than the early one’s. The Renault auto will be a derivation off the I shift, which seems to be the best auto going :wink:

Muckaway - yes they can.

I was mildly disappointed that my gaffer didn’t get me one. But we just couldn’t make it work with the Manitou on the back.

I think we’ll settle for the shortest possible wheelbase for an 8wheeler, as it’ll be replacing a 6wheeler. Daf quoting just over £100k for the chassis, that’s a standard CF not the Construction version. I doubt much will come in under that, maybe MAN but we don’t want to be gluing the cab trim back on every few weeks. Boss is keen on Scania (P cab) but surely he’ll be quoted a few grand more for the privilege of a Scania badge stuck on the front? Granted they’re nice to drive and lightweight though.

Holy crapballs! We were quoted 86k for an Volvo FH Tridem chassis only. That was only in August last year :open_mouth:

Tridem can go 32t Mark luck in Kent have a fmx and both driver and the boss are very impressed with it although I can imagine overweight on front axle could be a problem.
Our TM priced cf roll ons last year and they wasn’t much cheaper than volvo.
You might be surprised at scania prices most of the new tippers in our area are scania and although some are long term fans some buy on price and they have a few. The fmx is the one to have nothing can touch it.

Kev do you know what the FMX costs? I’ve seen Volvo selling some ready built with Boweld bodies on.

Not on exact price as it obviously differs with spec but someone I know said he was quoted over 100k with a Thompson steel body on it. We have a fmx 6x4 tractor I’ve been driving this week and it’s a brilliant lorry.
Weirdly I’ve seen a few hino about on 64 plates only way of not getting a euro 6 motor now

Hino Euro 6 may be revealed this year, I’ve read they’re being secretive about it.

Sorry for the rant but who thought of putting rear underrun bars on tippers? Bloody stupid idea, now the load gets caught on them after tipping so even with an auto tailgate the driver will still need to get out to clean the rear bar. Every one I’ve seen has load residue on them so there’ll be more claims for chipped windscreens.
Firms like MAN etc build a vehicle, high off the floor to prevent grounding and some silly ■■■■ decides that to be safe, a piece of metal has to be bolted on the back just off the floor. Marvellous. :imp:
Talking of annoying features, are all new vehicles now built with “bike safe” stuff like side cameras and side underrun bars etc or is it optional? If optional I’ll ask my boss not to waste money on such crap.

I think lot of the gizmos like flashing lights and voices shouting vehicle turning left etc ,are mandatory in places like London .Though from the start of this year new vehicles ordered will come with lane departure warning and other toys as standard …Euro laws

Marvellous idea all these electrical gizmos…until you go through a filthy dirty wheelwash.

They are becoming compulsory in london this year but a lot of big jobs insist on it already.
Imagine it will be a matter of time before its everywhere although it’s a lot cheaper to fit it aftermarket

Earthlines’ motors 63reg onwards have all that stuff. I was told it was to get work at the Oxford colleges. Those who spec all this junk have never driven a wagon. I drove Foden 3000s in the centre of Oxford a few years back, never had an issue with cyclists.
The air horns were great for tooting up fanny though. :laughing:

Boss got a revised quote for a Daf CF 440 today; £108k :open_mouth: I get the feeling we’ll be getting a MAN or Scania instead…