2 years c+e licence restrictions (why)

I’m confused
Please enlighten me to the main reason why some companies have the 2 year thing and some don’t
having driven a double decker 2 weeks after passing my c+e test with no driving assessment I’m confused.

Last year, for the first time, I registered with an Agency.

The agency were advertising a job locally to me (hence my registration). I got the job but NOT through the agency. Agency required 2 years experience or 180 days continuous driving C+E. I had zip years or days in C+E.

My then boss, the one who used the agency - told me it’s an Insurance “Excess” and that Insurance companies load on the policy for newly passed\inexperienced drivers. I don’t know who tells the truth but I’d rather believe an employer than a agency.

Since that, I’ve done a few other C+E companies (non agency) who have said the same.

so the theory goes
if there desperate for a driver eg xmas time
they will take the risk.

It is the comppany insurers who call the shots

Companies can agree to up the excess if they are willing to take the risk but most will not choose to do so because there are many LGV drivers out of work with more than 2 years of holding the relevant category to choose from

When there are more jobs than drivers then it will change

should have renamed this subject (companies willing to take the risk )
Is there a current list of companies willing to take the risk.
I can put one to the list ****** Data Protection Act

all candidates for the purpose of the Drivers negligence insurance must have held there LGV 2 Licence for at least 2 yrs with at least 180 days LGV 2 Driving experience, have no more then 6 minor penalty points and no DD or DR endorsements showing