Lmao answer this question I’m arguing the toss my mum and step dad there saying it’s against the law to break in a truck on weekend!!!
I said what do European drivers and car transporters do lmao.
Feel free to to beast get them!!!
I’m literally arguing right saying what do you think I did in Germany when stuck out booked the Hilton?
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Apparently they learnt this on a union course down London next week!! Your not allowed to break in a truck lmao!
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You’re allowed a 24 in the cab but not a 45
Lmao answer this question I’m arguing the toss my mum and step dad there saying it’s against the law to break in a truck on weekend!!!
I said what do European drivers and car transporters do lmao.
Feel free to to beast get them!!!
I’m literally arguing right saying what do you think I did in Germany when stuck out booked the Hilton?
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Not quite sure what you’re on about but it is against the law I believe in certain countries to have a full break in the truck but I’m guessing hardly anyone has actually been done for it.
bald bloke:
Lmao answer this question I’m arguing the toss my mum and step dad there saying it’s against the law to break in a truck on weekend!!!
I said what do European drivers and car transporters do lmao.
Feel free to to beast get them!!!
I’m literally arguing right saying what do you think I did in Germany when stuck out booked the Hilton?
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Not quite sure what you’re on about but it is against the law I believe in certain countries to have a full break in the truck but I’m guessing hardly anyone has actually been done for it.
It’s against the law in all EU countries…just some are enforcing it, some aren’t!
Lmao answer this question I’m arguing the toss my mum and step dad there saying it’s against the law to break in a truck on weekend!!!
I said what do European drivers and car transporters do lmao.
Feel free to to beast get them!!!
I’m literally arguing right saying what do you think I did in Germany when stuck out booked the Hilton?
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If they’re on about the full rest of 45 hrs. they’re right if you want to hear it or not.
Germany, Belgium and France enforcing with big fines already.
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Apparently they learnt this on a union course down London next week!! Your not allowed to break in a truck lmao!
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Apparently they also learnt how to time travel,
which surely is a far more interesting post and has far more consequences for the haulage and distribution industry. 
but back to your original post and my understanding of the weekend rest rule.
There has always been an argument about having a full weekend rest in the cab due to the wording of the regulations, just do a search on here from years back,
But nobody in authority across Europe bothered about it, until a couple of years ago when the Belgium and French authorities, started to enforce it, mostly to do something about East European drivers being dumped for days on end on service and industrial areas.
This has now been agreed as the correct interpretation by the EU, and so it is now an offence to have a full weekend rest period in the cab.
However a reduced weekly rest period or a reduced weekly rest period which includes compensation for a previous reduced rest it is legal to rest in the cab.
The French and Belgium’s apparently are enforcing it, (and I did see quite a lot of truck parked in budget hotel car parks over Easter when I traveled through France) but I think the UK authorities will only enforce it for extreme offences and the fine in the UK will be a lot lower.
Technically it hasn’t been legal to have a regular 45 hour weekly rest period in the cab since 2007, it’s been ignored until last year when some EU countries decided to start enforcing the rule.
It’s still not enforced in the UK and probably never will be.
Wtf really? So what do people do when out for weeks at a time?
I thought it was legal to stay in truck on your break!
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Wtf really? So what do people do when out for weeks at a time?
They break the law, to put it bluntly. In reality as long as you’re not weekended in one of the above mentioned countries you’ll be fine. (Or fined
Wtf really? So what do people do when out for weeks at a time?
I thought it was legal to stay in truck on your break!
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You are ok as long as you don’t SLEEP in the cab overnight.
To get around this you can sleep underneath the unit, under the engine, …which is a bonus if you need to get up oily in the morning.
Hope that helps.
robroy, you nutter ha ha.
If the activity you are “doing” is your statuary 45 break period (not a 24, not anything else) then you cannot “do” this in your truck cab. You can pitch a tent next to it, you could move into the trailer, you can dig a shell scrape and live underneath it, but, on pain of a massive fine, don’t you dare set foot inside that cab! Its the law! 
…Apparently they also learnt how to time travel,
which surely is a far more interesting post and has far more consequences for the haulage and distribution industry.
I think Comrade Corbyn has also got one of these machines, Muckles, as he appears to want to take us all back to the 1970`S

I don’t envy your choice. Back to the 70’s with comrade Corbyn, or back to the 50s with St. Theresa…
…Apparently they also learnt how to time travel,
which surely is a far more interesting post and has far more consequences for the haulage and distribution industry.
I think Comrade Corbyn has also got one of these machines, Muckles, as he appears to want to take us all back to the 1970`S

With a massive risk of taking this thread off course, but the last 35 - 40 years of privatised, post industrial, free market, globalised economic policy might have been great for the economy, and those who have got massively richer on the back of it,
but has it been so good for the average worker in the UK, with ridiculously expensive housing costs, worse employment terms and conditions. far more inequality judging from the Gini Index and in the last few years real wages have been falling.
So maybe going back to the 70’s, with the benefit of hindsight so we don’t make the same mistakes, might not look so bad for many of us? 
If the activity you are “doing” is your statuary 45 break period (not a 24, not anything else) then you cannot “do” this in your truck cab. You can pitch a tent next to it, you could move into the trailer, you can dig a shell scrape and live underneath it, but, on pain of a massive fine, don’t you dare set foot inside that cab! Its the law! 
I know you are joking mate, but yeh, that is just about the size of it.
If you pitched a tent next to your truck (presumably at some set minimum distance to two decimal points to qualify
) you would be within the realms of the law.
Another example of ridiculous and meaningless legislation that has gone a long way to totally ■■■■ up this job. 
I knew of at least 2 lads who actually did live in their trucks at weekends in their home town, one of them was my own driver.
Btw Let’s keep off the Political comments unless we want another 10 page thread about Thatcherism and Fordist issues eh?..just saying

Airline pilots on very long haul flights, leave the cockpit to sleep in a small bedroom on the plane, while the other crew take control of the aircraft .
So truck drivers now can not rest properly.
Airline pilots on very long haul flights, leave the cockpit to sleep in a small bedroom on the plane, while the other crew take control of the aircraft .
So truck drivers now can not rest properly.
but they don’t rest there for 45 hours?
Airline pilots on very long haul flights, leave the cockpit to sleep in a small bedroom on the plane, while the other crew take control of the aircraft .
So truck drivers now can not rest properly.
but they don’t rest there for 45 hours?
Don’t see them parked up in industrial estates for days on end either.