1st ever Class 2 intervew + driving-assessment for a company

Hello guys, I just wondered if anyone could give me any info and/or tips on what exactly a Class 2 driving-assessment involves… Plus any online resources where I can learn/memorise all the required paperwork-info (such as WTD rules + walk-around check info)■■

Have managed to get 2 interviews + driving-assessments next week…
But as I haven’t driving a lorry since I passed my test (10-months ago), I am extremely nervous that I will be very rusty & shaky for the first 30-60minutes of being back behind the wheel of one (*so conveniently the approx duration of the assessment). :cry:

I also know they will test me on WTD regs / Highway Code / Plus walk-around checks…
But so if anyone knows any resources where I can learn (memorise) all the required info for those, that’d be massively appreciated??

(I’ve literally set-aside my entire weekend to focus purely on trying to memorise all of that info)

Hello guys, I just wondered if anyone could give me any info and/or tips on what exactly a Class 2 driving-assessment involves… Plus any online resources where I can learn/memorise all the required paperwork-info (such as WTD rules + walk-around check info)■■

Have managed to get 2 interviews + driving-assessments next week…
But as I haven’t driving a lorry since I passed my test (10-months ago), I am extremely nervous that I will be very rusty & shaky for the first 30-60minutes of being back behind the wheel of one (*so conveniently the approx duration of the assessment). :cry:

I also know they will test me on WTD regs / Highway Code / Plus walk-around checks…
But so if anyone knows any resources where I can learn (memorise) all the required info for those, that’d be massively appreciated??

(I’ve literally set-aside my entire weekend to focus purely on trying to memorise all of that info)

This is an assessment I recently did. I only got 35 out 37 so there are 2 wrong answers, but otherwise I hope it helps

Walk around checks:-
It’s not about doing everything, but remembering as much as you can.
Golden rules, check the oil before starting the engine , that means saying I don’t know how to on this model so ask is there a dipstick or is it on the dashboard? Obviously remember coolant level and washer fluid while you’re at it.
Make sure the front of the truck is dripping wet [emoji97] (try the washers)
Try the horn
Make a show of checking seatbelt works
Make sure all the lights work.
Tyres (1mm tread) no cuts in sidewalls and nuts are ok (indicators lined up if fitted)
Try and memorize expiry date of the operators licence in the window and the tacho certification in the driver’s door and the height of the vehicle in case he tests you on it. Or just point out that you’ve checked them.

You’ll be putting your tacho in before you do the checks so it’s manual entry of rest until the start of the assessment then cross hammers until now (unless you are working elsewhere? Then it’s ? until you arrived)

Make sure you adjust seat and steering wheel before you go out ask for help if you need it.

Remember you’ve passed your test. You just need to show you’re safe, don’t worry about driving up to the speed limit, 20 in a 30 is fine. Don’t brake through a roundabout, you should be slow enough to be accelerating through it.

Good luck!

Hope it’s not this!
instagram.com/reel/C0U_wG_N … EzYmMxYg==

Thanks guys.

I found a bunch of online resources myself (2-3 really good websites), from where I printed-out like 86-pages of info (covering driver-hours / wtd / road-signs / walk-around checks)…
And spent the entire weekend revising them. :sunglasses:

But so whilst I’m moderately confident about the test-side of it | The actual driving is what I’m really nervous abvout! :cry:

It’s not because I was a crappy driver, (*tbh I found Class 2 lorries pretty easy & simple / although I’d attempted Class 1 firstly)…
However I had 2-days of Class 2 training, (in a lorry I knew the feel of + had lowered my seat-height to my exact perfect-position + disabled the air-bouncingness), before I did my test.

However today and/or tomorrow’s tests will be in lorries I’ve never driven before | But more than that, I haven’t driven anything apart from my own car for 10-months now…
Thus will be very rusty/jolty for the first 20-30 minutes! :confused:

Thanks guys.
However today and/or tomorrow’s tests will be in lorries I’ve never driven before | But more than that, I haven’t driven anything apart from my own car for 10-months now…
Thus will be very rusty/jolty for the first 20-30 minutes! :confused:

How did it go? If it didn’t go well, just look at it as additional driving experience