18 tonne timed weigh limit

Just entered this. It appears to be one way.whats the likely fine. Whats the chances of actually getting fined. It’s in edmpn

None if you entered the area outside of the times on the sign, friend recently got a £275 fine for entering Faringdon Street from Smthfields too early one morning. Think it depends on how keen the local council is or how skint they are

If before 7am, to the gallows…
But, I have no idea if you will get a fine.

The fines are £550 for the company and £130 for the driver, reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days.

I was about to drive into one of London’s streets with 18 tonnes limit sign last Sunday. My sat nav aimed to take myself through one but decided to drive ahead and had a chance to make a U-turn on the nearest roundabout. The sign says ‘Sun at anytime’. Do not trust your sat nav, mind signs! Could be fined if I entered one.

Before 7am you need a permit from TFL. Beware though, you can still get done if there is another road you could’ve used that doesn’t require a permit ie going around the North Circular instead of cutting through say, the A1010.
Where I used to work a driver was caught twice in the Earls Court area because he was heading south of the river and wasn’t delivering in the EC area. It was before 7am and the firm had TFL permits but he should’ve used the South Circular instead.
I tried to explain this to him but he’s too thick to listen and was slapped with another fine in the same area a couple of months ago.
Not quite sure what part of “don’t go Earls Court way unless delivering there” he didn’t understand. :unamused:

We should probably write a letter to complain - we get warning signs of low bridges a bit before so we can assess, why not this kind of restriction. It’s not as if we can park up and wait if we are there slightly before 7am and it doesn’t look as if you turn round before it.

It depends if you get caught. The scheme is older than the congestion charge or low emission zone and doesn’t have the system of entrance and exit cameras. The signs are also inconsistent, some of them still showing 16.5T weight limits and some lacking the time part of the sign. It’s an old GLC scheme now administered by London Councils, not TfL, so it’s a lot less efficient than either of the other zones.

I suggest Googling “London lorry control zone”; that shows which roads are covered and which aren’t. Those aren’t always the same roads as have the signs.
