15 hour shift after this

I hope none of these are hgv drivers doing a shift after these digs :frowning:
thisislondon.co.uk/news/arti … article.do

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

its gets better every day.

I wil have to remember to knock before i use the loo next time.

I don’t particularly blame the guys who are using this facility for the purpose that is was NOT intended for, but rather the authorities for allowing it to happen.

Would I be wrong in saying that maybe 15 years ago, if a dosser, tramp or any other British born homeless person had done the same then, the police would have been straight on the scene and not only kicked them out, but put them up in front of the judge the following morning for vagrancy?

IMHO, it’s all going ■■■■ up!

Fair play to them - I don’t think the money they’re likely to be being paid is going to cover B&B every night. Compare these blokes to the English ■■■■■■■ who’ve got 18 kids and 2 council houses without working a day in their life - I know which one gets my respect.
I’ve got a pretty good driving job, money wise, and I couldn’t afford to get a mortgage on those bogs !
So to all the moaners on here complaining about foreigners taking our jobs -
Would YOU be prepared to sleep in a bog every night just to get a chance to make some money ?
You do what you gotta do .
(Speaking as someone who has spent time sleeping in all kinds of unsavoury places, including a tool shed on a site I was working on - they used to wake me up in the morning by banging a 20T swing shovel bucket on the roof ! )

Would YOU be prepared to sleep in a bog every night just to get a chance to make some money ?

well i use to drive a volvo fl? :laughing:

Would YOU be prepared to sleep in a bog every night just to get a chance to make some money ?

well i use to drive a volvo fl? :laughing:

i was gonna say something about scanias :laughing:

Cleaners, who have a master key to unlock the cubicles, have being confronted with occupants enjoying a morning lie-in and refusing to leave.

Well at least they can confront them in their own language as cleaning is below most people in Britain now apparently!!! and the Poles dio it better anyway…

Right back stabbing Latvian ■■■■■ at one of our depots . She will not think twice about strolling into the office and trying to drop you in some kind of trouble , she tried doing it with me last night .
Because she is hell bent on back stabbing she is ignorant and arrogant with it and wouldn’t listen to me .I had already squared it away with the boss i wasn’t using a cord as it was tangled and covered in grease and quite frankly i’m not touching it .
Whilst my back was turned this stupid cow was up on the back of the unit and then into the office insisting that i use it :unamused: .
I told them both there and then i wasn’t using it and because of the antics she was pulling i was starting to get very annoyed and everyone in the office could see that except this bloody Latvian who in her barely understandable english and quite frankly arrogant attitude started argueing with me .
I told the boss to sort her out and she can bring the 5 SEALS over when she is ready .Then I walked away rather than lose it with her in front of the boss.
When she came over to seal the truck i calmly told her that if these are the stunts she wants to pull , then that is upto her , however lots of people don’t like you anymore because you backstab them and get them into trouble , i would be careful, the day you slip up everyone will be out to get you .
And it’s true …
As far as i’am concerned i,am having nothing more to do with her , she is going no where near my truck , i f i catch her on the back of the unit i’m going to hit the roof and insist the manager does something about it , she has no buisness climbing onto the back of units .
Bloody cow she really piddled me off last night . :laughing:

One of the lads was saying one night she had opened his back doors and was climbing all over the load because she wanted to get 2 more pallets on when she had been told that there was no more room .I said to him i would have shut the back doors and set off over the weigh bridge , she wouldn’t be in the back of a truck and climbing all over the load again in a hurry .

she has no buisness climbing onto the back of units .
Bloody cow she really piddled me off last night . :laughing:

You have two choices - either get the H&S onto her for climbing on the back of the trailer . . . . . . . . or wait until she falls off and then give her rock-all if she even thinks of putting in a claim!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If she worked for me i would sack her …
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It is sad to see the guys having to kip in places like that. Both Governments have produced leaflets etc. detailing how they can come to UK and live and work. Whether they are just chancers or guys who have been exploited it would be hard to say. There are several charities now to help homeless Poles in the UK. Given the current political climate i don’t think anybody would forcibly deter them.