15 hour duty and 11 hours off


bald bloke:

The usual error is that many think of the issue in terms of the fixed week instead of between weekly rests

Easy mistake for some i suppose considering driving hours is Mon to Sun fixed week.

I cannot see the need for the fixed week because daily restrictions and between weekly rests would mean safety is covered fully

I can’t see why it should affect your driving hours either, if you’ve had a full weekly rest!
EU hours are completely screwed up!

What is your point Toby ?


Toby is talking to himself.

Sometimes, he does that just because he’s a Toby. :grimacing:

I was thinking that newbies could get caught out for insufficient rest.As they may have used up all their nines then do a fifteen duty with a eleven off but the eleven off is only a nine off.

I was thinking that newbies could get caught out for insufficient rest.As they may have used up all their nines then do a fifteen duty with a eleven off but the eleven off is only a nine off.


I think it’s a great idea to point this out and for the reason that you’ve given, but wouldn’t it have been a better idea if you’d mentioned that in your OP??

:bulb: I mean… you wrote your OP on Wednesday, but it’s taken you until Sunday to make your point. :open_mouth: