14000kg ex-fire engine on a C1 licence

Hi all. Cracking forum :smiley:

I’ve searched through the forum but can’t quite find an answer, so here goes.

I have bought a 1991 Volvo Fl6 14 ex-fire engine. At the time I was told that the water tanks have been removed in order to be driven on a car licence or C1. Now I want to make sure this is legal. VOSA and DVLA have different opinions :open_mouth: With the tanks removed the vehicle is now around 6500kg which does bring it into my licence weight limit but V5 still shows revenue weight as 14000kg. The vehicle will never carry water again and never weigh more than 7500kg. Can I legally drive this vehicle on my C1.

I’ve read all the forums about driving a tractor unit on a C etc but this one is slightly different…

By the way, I want to turn it into a limo…

what were the differing opinions fron VOSA & DVLA :question: :question:

what were the differing opinions fron VOSA & DVLA :question: :question:

VOSA said cant downplate a passenger carrying vehicle and DVLA say OK if suspension etc changed and plated as 7500kg.

Surely all thes ex fire engines around which are now limo’s don’t go through all this carry on.

Looks like I’m sitting my class C then :unamused:

Surely all thes ex fire engines around which are now limo’s don’t go through all this carry on.

Can you contact someone who has done it :question: :question:

one other way is to e-mail your local MP with your problem and they, in turn, will forward it to the DfT for a definitve answer :bulb: :bulb:

Thanks for the replies. I have tried the limo forums but am unable to log in to any of them. Not sure if me or them. I will likely go for my class C. Thanks again

If its under 7500kg u can call it a private HGV and drive it on a car licence whatever use - just check insurance if yer using it for business. Try joining Fire Preservation group for info too.

This vehicle is nor now a goods vehicle but a passanger carrying one.

It now goes on the number of seats it has.

If the number of seats is over 9 then it is a D1 vehicle

If the number of seats is over 17 it is a D vehicle

If the number of seats is under 9 then it is a Cat C vehicle.

I would take the advice of VOSA as they are the people who are responsible for type approval of vehicles. Once they have decided what vehicle it is then DVLA will tell you what licence you need. DSA will then test your driving ability to see if they will issue a licence.

Either way you will be doing a driving and theory tests. If it is catergorised as a passenger carrying vehicle you will be subjected to the drivers CPC from September this year!

If it is catergorised as a passenger carrying vehicle you will be subjected to the drivers CPC from September this year!

If used for ‘hire or reward’ but you will not need driver cpc if for private use.

What’s the use of doing your cat. C? If you want to turn it into a limo then you’ll need a D or D1 surely :confused:

Ok, got some info from VOSA on how to redefine vehicle and downplate it.
1 Contact Technical Dept at Swansea on 0870 6060440
2 Fill in form VTG10
3 contact manufacturer and ask what changes have to be made (they may charge for this). - apparently, if a small change is made the it becomes a different vehicle.

Hope it helps

What about a VGT 10, notifiable alteration, you can change an 18tonner to a 26tonner like this, of course you have to add an axle :laughing: but if it works one way it must work the other :question:

What about a VGT 10, notifiable alteration, you can change an 18tonner to a 26tonner like this, of course you have to add an axle :laughing: but if it works one way it must work the other :question:

Fraid not :frowning:


What about a VGT 10, notifiable alteration, you can change an 18tonner to a 26tonner like this, of course you have to add an axle :laughing: but if it works one way it must work the other :question:

Fraid not :frowning:

Typical :unamused: You could always keep the blue lights & keep going if TOSSA, sory VOSA try to stop you :smiling_imp: :laughing: