13 GUESTS!!!!

At 2042 there are 26 users online, 13 registered,1 hidden(Lucy) and 13 guests.

Well guests,what you waitin’ for? an invite? Come and join the party!!!


Could be speed cops, you know how they like to hide.

It’s probally MI5, Special Branch and the rest of Blunketts secret police force making sure we only say things that follow the official herr Blair line.
So nobody mention the Blockade of all major Motorways on Monday and picketing of all RDC for the rest of the week. Whoops me and my big mouth. :laughing: Just waiting for them to come through the door now.

It’s probally MI5, Special Branch and the rest of Blunketts secret police force making sure we only say things that follow the official herr Blair line.
So nobody mention the Blockade of all major Motorways on Monday and picketing of all RDC for the rest of the week. Whoops me and my big mouth. :laughing: Just waiting for them to come through the door now.

We know the DSA, Vosa, GCHQ, and a few others monitor this website as they do lots of websites with the recent Fuel and other transport problems it would make sense that Big Brother was looking in this direction!

I guess this only goes to show, that us the biggest wheel in the transport industry(the workers) are being noticed! shame its not by the people who decide our worth!

This is my opinion not TruckNets!!!

I was one of the 13 guests! I was only reading not posting so didn’t log in.

So now you only need to find out who the other 12 guests were!

I wasn’t the hidden one…I was tucked up in front of the telly with the PC off! :wink:

I wasn’t the hidden one…I was tucked up in front of the telly with the PC off! :wink:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Must have been Neil then! :laughing:


Dan a.k.a Boo:

I wasn’t the hidden one…I was tucked up in front of the telly with the PC off! :wink:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Must have been Neil then! :laughing:



Dan a.k.a Boo:
Must have been Neil then! :laughing:

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

i was one of the 13 i always read the posts but do not log on.
i find it better to do this so that i do not say something that i would regret latter

Dan a.k.a Boo:

I wasn’t the hidden one…I was tucked up in front of the telly with the PC off! :wink:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Must have been Neil then! :laughing:

