Gentlemen & Ladies (of course!)
Sometimes I have to rely on GPS for navigation. To be honest I hate the things, but they are handy to save time.
However, on two occassions I have thought it was broken. I have since found out it was the charger that was broken and not the unit itself. My very nice transport manager explained that it was something to do with 12 and 24v sockets in the vehicles.
I didnt want to look like a twerp by asking him what the difference is (apart from the obvious) 
Have I fried my charger by plugging it into 24v instead of 12v??
Many thanks
Don’t know for sure without more info. I have a Tomtom which has a charger which accepts 12 or 24 volts.
It may be a case that the charger isn’t fried but merely a wire is broken inside the plug which connects to the satnav.
It could be that your charger is a cheapy off fleabay or somewhere else and it isn’t capable of supplying the right output to charge. I bought a cheapy once for my phone and found that after leaving it plugged in to charge all night, it was still the same as when I plugged the charger in. Bought a proper charger for the phone and it charges correctly.
cheers mate
I can’t stand the bloody things. In my last driving job I didnt need one, an a-z sufficed entirely. now im class 2 and going to places i dont know its a bugger having to rely on gps…it’s the devil’s work i tell you!