12mths of Class 1 driving - scary!

Hi all.

Ok, I know most of you are going to say, you’ve had your licence longer, but today, I celebrate (if that’s the right word?) 12mths of driving class 1’s.

What have I learnt?

Where the hell do I start?

I passed my test in a 4x2 Volvo day cab (lovely to reverse with window in rear), with a straight 4 over 4 gearbox and a twin axle 35’ flat bed trailer, on one of these 3 day & a test crash courses.

My 1st job, on the road, was with a 6x2 sleeper cab and 45’ curtainsider and 16speed box :open_mouth: Nightmare, having to reverse in confined spaces, manouver around towns, whilst reading maps, god the list goes on…

After 12mths and with thanks to many on this site, I feel more confident on the road, I’m still learning, I still make mistakes and have on more than one occassion, got myself into some very sticky situations!

I’ve mastered the art of pouring coffee, without spilling it, on the move. I’ve learnt to not get stressed, when everything goes due south at a high rate of knots.

Most of all? I’ve learnt that the best web-site is here - TRUCKNETUK.

Never be afraid to ask and admit you are having problems, there is always someone on here, who can help.

A big thanks to you all, for your support & advice


I’ve mastered the art of pouring coffee, without spilling it, on the move

not to sure if this part was in the training manual :laughing: :laughing: i’m sure the boy’s in blue would argue that point m8. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

but good luck hopefully the next few years will be as good as your first :wink: :wink:

John, after 30 years on the road I`m STILL learning :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well done John. Glad to see you are still enjoying it.

Ditto what Trevor said. You will keep on learning. Don’t be afraid to seek advise when you need it, Trucknet, other drivers etc. A good driver with the right attitude (ie 99.99 % of people on this site) is only to willing to share their knowlage.

Best of luck during the next 40 years! :open_mouth:

It is so true that you never stop learning but it gets a lot less stressful don’t you think?You are quite right to feel proud.

I thought you were up the road all week I’ll have to request that Bodmin I might let you buy me a breakfast. :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Have I talked you into coming to this party yet? :smiley:

Well done John and all the best for future :smiley: ,

Well done John… :smiley:
It only feels like a coupIe of weeks, but i’ll have done 12 WEEKS next Monday, and still can’t believe i’ve passed…
I’d hate to think what i’ve learnt in this short time… :open_mouth:

Chrisie… :sunglasses: