Can anybody clarify, I’ve been told that drivers are no longer able to reduce a daily rest period to 9 hours (from 1st April2015) and must take a minimum of 11 hours every night?
Anyone got the gospel on this
Can anybody clarify, I’ve been told that drivers are no longer able to reduce a daily rest period to 9 hours (from 1st April2015) and must take a minimum of 11 hours every night?
Anyone got the gospel on this
Can anyone clarify, I’ve been told from 1st April 2015 drivers must take a minimum of 11 hours daily rest and will no longer be able to reduce it to a 9 hour rest period?
Anyone know the gospel on this
I think the date is a clue on that one!
Also from 1st April 2015, tachos fitted to new trucks will accept debit card for automatic payment of fines.
In addition, from 1st April all service areas are to provide mandatory sleeping bag vending machines. It is also mandatory that should these machines be empty or malfunction then a room must be provided if required by any professional driver.
And in addition to that, each parking bay will have a machine that will automatically draw a chalk line around the tyres.
Can anyone clarify, I’ve been told from 1st April 2015 drivers must take a minimum of 11 hours daily rest and will no longer be able to reduce it to a 9 hour rest period?Anyone know the gospel on this
And in addition to that, each parking bay will have a machine that will automatically draw a chalk line around the tyres.
Thought they already existed
New Eu law from April 2015, when you pay to park at the Msa, for your thirty quid, drivers will get a King size bed in the Hilton hotel.
Your cab will be valeted, trailer swept out to conform with Brussels guidelines.
A free rental car for your disposal.
In the morning, fresh coffee and croissants delivered to the room.
Hang on … I need to put all these new rules in my next Driver CPC course!
Are there any other changes to the rules■■?
It’s a good job you lot clarified it for me!
It’ll also be illegal to max out on your hours
I certainly haven’t heard anything and as a CPC holder I make a point of keeping upto date on all the new legislation.
someone is pulling your ■■■■■■
I heard the maximum working day was actually being increased to 23.5 hrs. And driving time being reduced to no more than 4 hrs a day.
I read it on the internet so it must be true. Your not allowed to put stuff on the internet that’s not true
I’ve been told
Sentences that start with that on here rarely pan out
I heard that on April 1st Dozy is coming off of pre-mod
I heard that on April 1st Dozy is coming off of pre-mod
and by midnight he’ll be back on
Can anyone clarify, I’ve been told from 1st April 2015 drivers must take a minimum of 11 hours daily rest and will no longer be able to reduce it to a 9 hour rest period?Anyone know the gospel on this
in what RDC you was today.i think in some Tesco waiting room
it must be true, you have posted it in 2 forums now
I heard that on April 1st Dozy is coming off of pre-modand by midnight he’ll be back on
Nah, remember that the moderators dont work quickly.